part 4

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carol's face saddened slightly as she began to talk again. "what was she like?" she asked, cautiously.

"my willow was a free spirit." marcella began, a small smile on her lips which relieved carol as she wasn't sure if the younger woman would be okay with talking about her daughter. "she tumbled around, grabbing at everything she could from the day she learned how to walk. she just wanted to experience and see everything, but that didn't happen." marcella finished, a small frown now taking place on her lips.

"how did it happen?" carol questioned, her voice quiet as she squeezed marcella's hands for a moment, an act of comfort.

"health complications- she was only two." after marcella answered carol's question a silence fell between them, but it was a comfortable one.

"you can't tell me this was right." dale stated as andrea and t-dog placed bodies onto the back of the blue truck, rick standing with them.

marcella joined the small group, eager to help, just as the young woman always was.

"it wasn't. it'll cost us with hershel." rick agreed, nodding his head to marcella in a 'hello'. marcella nodded back.

"he's grieving, he'll come around." andrea defended who marcella could only guess to be shane.

"i've got it." marcella muttered to t-dog as her and andrea heaved another body onto the truck, taking t's place.

"you weren't at the funeral, you okay?" t- dog questions marcella as he wipes sweat from his forehead.

"i was with carol, she needed me." marcella confirmed to the entire little group as they all carried worried looks.

"well, glenn's been worried, you should go and let him know your okay." dale suggested.

marcella nodded before her and andrea lifted another body. "after we've done this i will."

"we got it." t-dog reassured her.

"you're still recovering from your infection. i got it t." the stubborn brunette blew the dark skinned man off.

"marcella, we've got it, go and talk to glenn." rick told her, making it sound more like an instruction than a suggestion.

marcella helped andrea lift the last body before walking off to find glenn.

under the willow tree - glenn rhee Where stories live. Discover now