part 2

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once lori dragged herself out of the car, she began to help marcella, having realised that the younger woman was in a much worse state. marcella was glad that she had received the most damage from the crash though, as lori was pregnant and more vulnerable. the pale girl let out a grunt of pain as lori began to pull her out of the back of the car.

"we're almost there." lori reassured her as she continued to pull the younger girl's arms.

"lori, run!" marcella shouted, as she noticed the two walkers grow dangerously close to the pregnant woman. lori turned around, gasping at the sight of the undead before getting up. she tried to find anything that she could use to defend herself, in a panic.

"knife." marcella gestured to where lori had left the pocket knife in the walker's skull, wandering why lori hadn't taken it out.

one of the undead followed lori as she ran over to the other undead creature that she had previously killed. however the other one found interest in a still trapped marcella.

"shit." she muttered to herself, before searching around for anything useful. marcella scrambled around as best she could, trying to retrieve a weapon from her belt. unfortunately for her, marcella's machete had detached from her belt at some point in the crash, although she did find her hand gun.

using all of the strength that she had, marcella attempted to hit the creature with her gun, however the little strength that she mustered up wasn't enough. having no other choice, marcella did what she didn't want to do; she shot the walker in the head.

the same piercing sound from earlier returned to marcella's ears as she began to fall back into the darkness, the sound having been too much for her body to take in its current state.

the last think that marcella heard as she slowly drained of consciousness, was the worried shouts of lori, calling marcella's name in fear.

at least lori's alive, marcella thought.

under the willow tree - glenn rhee Where stories live. Discover now