part 12

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so as rick tentatively took out his gun, marcella took it. rick looked up, making eyecontact with the girl who nodded briefly towards him, telling her leader that she had to do it. rick let marcella take the gun and she slowly approached the little girl.

everyone stared in surprise or confusion as marcella cocked the gun, ready to shoot the corpse of sophia. but nobody stopped her, not even glenn as he knew that this was important to her- he knew that sophia was important to her.

carol almost smiled at the fact that marcella held the gun up, instead of rick or shane or daryl. because marcella was right, carol needed it to be her, she needed it to be somebody who understood exactly what she was going through. and it was.

as marcella held the gun up to the little girl's head, she realised that although when she had decided that she had to be the one to do it, it was for everyone, now as she was seconds away from pulling the trigger, she was doing it for carol and carol only.

marcella took one deep breath in and when she realeased the breath she pulled the trigger.

in a second sophia was on the ground, completely lifeless.

the young brunette who was once a mother and a scientist walked off after a moment, passing rick his gun as she passed by.

glenn ran after her, but marcella didn't stop to let him catch up. she only stopped walking when she reached the willow tree, sitting under it and staring straight ahead with no expression on her face.

glenn sat down next to her, placing his hand in hers and intertwining their fingers. marcella let this happen, yet still just stared at the view infront of them.

"you're so brave." was all that glenn said, knowing that marcella didn't want to have a conversation in her current state.

slowly, marcella placed her head on glenn's shoulder.

marcella had thought that everything was beginning to figure itself out, but after the events that had just occurred, it felt like the world was doomed to die.

under the willow tree - glenn rhee Where stories live. Discover now