part 9

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just as marcella and lori reached maggie, she was walking out the front door, meeting face to face with andrea.

"where were you?" maggie asked sternly.

"i heard. is she alright?" andrea questioned, ignoring maggie's previous question.

"she would be if you would've stayed with her. where were you?" maggie once again asked, lori and marcella staying behind the greene girl.

"how bad is she?"andrea asked.

"it wasn't deep." lori stated.

andrea took a deep breath, as if in relief. "she wants to live. she made her decision." she states happily.

"she tried to kill herself and you just let her!" marcella chimed in, anger fuelling her words as she walked down the steps to stand by maggie.

"no, she didn't." andrea retorted.

"my father is stitching her wrists right now." maggie shouted.

"she'll live." andrea calmly stated back, before trying to walk off. however maggie stepped in her way.

"stay away from her. from both of us. don't you dare step foot inside this house again." maggie's voice was calm as she spoke to andrea, however you could tell that she was close to slapping the blonde woman.

andrea sighed, seeming surprised by maggie's words as she looked towards marcella and lori for backup. when not receiving any, she turned and walked away.

the sun was just beginning to set as marcella met glenn at the campfire, glenn, dale and t-dog were cooking food over the fire as andrea sat by herself. the blonde girl gave marcella a dirty look as she noticed her arrival.

"hey." glenn muttered with a small smile.

"hi." marcella muttered back as she sat down, placing her head on her boyfriend's shoulder.

"what happened to your machete?" he asked as he noticed the brunette didn't have her machete connected to her belt like she usually did. the young man was trying to avoid talking about the events that occurred today, knowing that marcella just wanted to be distracted from it all.

"it's gone." she answered quietly.

"gone where...?" glenn asked, confused.

"just... gone." was all marcella could reply, the events of the day replaying in her head.

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