part 3

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a comfortable silence took over, once the three's laughing had died down, that is until maggie spoke up.

"lori, how you feeling? you know, being pregnant." maggie questioned, a strain of uncertainty present in her voice as the farm hand wasn't sure how lori would take the question.

"well..." lori paused to think, wiping her hands with a tea-towel. "aswell as a pregnant woman can be in the apocalypse." the oldest woman joked lightly, although her answer told the two other women that she was in fact okay. the three laughed together, momentarily, before maggie spoke up again.

"let me just get this to beth." maggie picked up the plate, offering the two others in the room a small smile of appreciation for helping.

"you go on, i got it." lori insisted, taking the plate from maggie and leaving.


once marcella had some free time from looking after beth, she left the greene's house, wanting to find glenn.

soon enough, she discovered the asian boy by the rv, talking to dale about something. as glenn noticed marcella approach, a wide smile grew on his face.

"hey!" he began, seemingly happy to see his girlfriend.

"hey, i got you some fruit." marcella handed the basket to glenn, nodding to dale in a hello. "to share around camp, maggie said i could take some for you guys." marcella finished off.

"cool, thanks." glenn's smile never faulted and his eyes never trailed off of the girl infront of him, even with dale right next to him. "here you go, dale." he passed the basket to the older male, not having finished with his conversation. dale left with the basket, having understood the signal from glenn that the asian boy wanted to be left alone with marcella.

"i see your wearing my hoodie." glenn pointed out, smirking cockily as he did so. marcella laughed, pushing her boyfriend playfully. however glenn didn't expect this and ended up tripping and falling to the floor, causing marcella to burst into a fit of laughter.

glenn laughed briefly. "hey, can you help me up?" he asked, trying to surpress his laughter. marcella put a hand out to glenn, but as he went to take it she pulled her hand away, causing the two to laugh more.

under the willow tree - glenn rhee Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum