part 2

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"oh jeez." dale spoke as he slowed the campervan down.

"oh no." glenn muttered, there was a large truck on its side inconveniently in the group's path.

glenn then moved to the passenger's seat to see what was going on, marcella standing behind him.

"you see a way through?" dale questioned daryl as he approached them on his bike.

daryl nodded forward before driving off.

"maybe we should just go back, there's an interstate bypass-" glenn was cut off by dale.

"we can't spare the fuel."

"can we get through here?" glenn voices everyone's thoughts as the camper, followed by the car behind them, traveled slowly through what appeared as a graveyard where groups of cars that belonged once to living people were attacked. now everyone's dead.

suddenly the camper van's front went up in smoke and they stopped, everyone got out.

" I said it, didn't I say it? a thousand times, dead in the water." dale begins.

"problem, dale?" shane questions.

" well just the matter of being stuck in the middle of nowhere with no hope of-okay that was dumb." dale realised that there was plenty of supplies that the group could scavenge.

"cant find a radiator hose here."

"there's a whole bunch of stuff we could find here." daryl had already began to search through a car.

"siphon more fuel from these cars for a start."

"maybe some water?"


"this is a graveyard." lori spoke up in disagreement. "i don't know how i feel about this."

"they'd want to help us stay alive right? because they couldn't." marcella spoke up, offering lori a small smile.

"i guess." lori half agreed.

the group was then told to gather whatever they could.

marcella decided to go in the direction of lori and carol, wanting to get to know the two women better.

lori and carol took a look at a corpse sat in a car with flees surrounding it. marcella decided to do what they couldn't and stabbed it in the head as it began to move.

"kids don't look." carol told the two youngest members of the group.

under the willow tree - glenn rhee Where stories live. Discover now