part 5

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glenn and marcella held eye contact for a long moment as glenn smiled in gratitude at her. as they did this, daryl went over to his motorcycle and grabbed his brother's medicine.

"keep your oily rags of my brother's motorcycle." he threw the rag gently at dale, who caught it. daryl then dumped a bag of drugs on a car front. "why'd you wait till now to say anything? i got my brother's stash."

the group then walked over in shock at the bag of numerous drugs.

"crystal, x- don't need that. got some kick ass painkillers." daryl listed off, then throwing the 'kick ass painkillers' at glenn. "doxycycline, not the generic stuff neither. it's first class."

marcella took a sip of her water. "merle got the clap on occasion." this casual statement from daryl caught her off guard. the young brunette choked up her water, spitting some out.

"what?" daryl asked.

"just wasn't expecting to hear about your brother's clap, but thankyou for that cute little antidote, daryl." marcella smirked, daryl cracking a small smile at her joke.


"you ready to go?" glenn asked marcella as she packed her backpack.

"yeah. let's go." she stated back as she swung the bag on her back.

"wait." glenn stated nervously as marcella began to walk away.

"what's up glenn." she questioned him, puzzled as she stopped walking.

"i found this. i thought you could put jenner's wive's wedding ring on it. i know it doesn't fit your finger." glenn passed the short, pale woman the small, silver chain he had found whilst scavenging. "you have small hands." he added on awkwardly, yet marcella found it cute.

"thanks glenn, that's actually really sweet." marcella smiled up to him.

"here." glenn put the necklace on marcella carefully, making sure to be extra careful when putting the ring on the chain.

"that was really thoughtful glenn, thankyou." marcella stated to glenn before kissing him on the cheek glently.

the asian boy stood in shock for a second as marcella walked toward the car.

"you coming?" she called to him.

"ugh. yeah." glenn then walked to the car, getting in the driver's seat.

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