part 7

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as the sun began to set above them, the two young adults walked towards their tent together, they hadn't agreed to share a tent, it naturally just ended up that way. that's what the two loved about their more-than-friendship; everything just came naturally.

"why did you have to talk to lori?" marcella questioned glenn as they walked side by side.

"okay, you can't tell anyone what i'm about to tell you." glenn told the girl, placing his hands on her shoulders and looking straight into her eyes so she understood the importance of that.

"yeah of course."

"loris pregnant..." glenn told marcella quietly. "she asked me to get some stuff."

"oh... that's big, glenn. does rick know?" marcella was extremely caught off guard by the news and not to mention terrified.

"no... i've told her she should tell him." glenn looked almost guilty.

"hey." marcella began, placing her hand on glenn's face as the two sat outside their tent together, the sun setting right in their view. "it's not your fault, glenn. i promise."

marcella's words and action warmed glenn's heart, also causing his stomach to churn at the feel of the woman he loves touch. the young asian boy didn't know that he was in love with the pale brunette, he simply thought he just liked her as more than a friend, more than a bestfriend. but soon he would learn the extent of his everblooming feelings for marcella.

glenn placed his hand on marcella's that still sat on his cheek. he could tell from the darkness in marcella's eyes that something was wrong, more wrong than normal.

"el, what happened out there?" he questioned, the girl instantly removing her hand from his cheek. he missed the warmth she gave so freely as soon as it left him.

"he's probably dead." she muttered.

"who, el?"

after a short pause, marcella forced herself to make eye contact with glenn once again.

"a man heard me calling for sophia, he came up behind me and shoved me against a tree." she paused again, only to take a sharp breath in. "he tried to rape me, glenn."

under the willow tree - glenn rhee Where stories live. Discover now