triggerfinger part 1

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what woke marcella up from the deep,dark unconscious state that she had fell into wasn't the walker that groaned and growled on the other side of the glass windows- it was lori's scream.

the young woman almost let out a scream herself, at the sight of the walker so close to them, the sight of lori's damaged body twisted in the car that lay sideways and the pain that seethed through marcella's body. but she didn't scream, instead she swallowed hard, drying her mouth of any saliva that was left.

"lori." marcella groaned out, attempting to gain the panicking woman's attention as to tell her that she's awake.

"oh my god. marcella? are-are you okay?" lori's voice wasn't as sore as marcella's.

"yeah... i think so." marcella lied through her teeth, knowing that she was the opposite of okay, but wanting to keep lori as calm as she could.

the sound of the two's voices angered the walker, encouraging it to work harder to get to them. and it did just that- smashing its head through the glass so that it was face to face with lori. marcella looked across to lori at the sound of her panicking more. lori was trapped, meaning that the girl who hadn't fully regained consciousness had to help her and fast.

marcella breathed heavily as she hoisted her body upwards, allowing her back to lay against something so that she could look around. it was then that marcella realised that she had somehow ended up at the back of the car. squinting her eyes to see better in the darkness, marcella looked around for anything to help lori, until she spotted it- her pocket knife.

wincing at the thought, marcella put her hand on the handle of the knife that was stabbed into her thigh at an angle; somehow the knife had stabbed into her in the crash, from her pocket.

marcella gasped as she pulled it out, luckily the cut wasn't too deep, but she would definitely need stitches.

"lori!" marcella groaned out, tossing the knife over to the still panicked woman. lori stabbed the walker's head three times, every time letting out a shout as she did so.

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