part 2

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"we bury the ones we love and burn the rest." andrea stated as marcella walked over, joining the group mid-conversation.

rick looked to marcella with worried eyes, but as the pale girl met her leader's eyes she gave him a small smile as to show him that she was at least some what okay.

"we're burying the bodies, if you want to help?" lori asked marcella, seemingly also worried for the younger woman.

"yeah, i want to help." marcella stated, trying to sound at least decently happy.

everyone moved away then, marcella following t-dog and helping him move the limp bodies of the greene's family and friends.

the two stayed silent as they worked together to shift bodies wherever instructed too, t-dog glancing worriedly at marcella every so often.


as marcella, t-dog, andrea, shane and jimmy dug graves for sophia and hershel's family, marcella put all of her anger into the dirt. she used all of her strength to dig deep into the ground before throwing the dirt aside and repeating.

surprisingly, this helped the young woman to release some of her overwhelming emotions, whilst also helping her group bury the bodies.

as shane stopped digging, taking a long sigh, marcella looked up to him, noticing the tense moment between lori and shane.

"that's it." shane stated, grabbing everyone else's attention.

the small group stopped working and lori pulled marcella aside.

"come on." the pregnant woman encouraged and marcella reluctantly followed her.

lori soon led marcella to the rv, meeting daryl and carol inside.

"they're ready." lori told carol, referring to sophia's burial. carol shook her head. "come on." lori tried.

"why?" carol questioned, marcella watching the woman closely.

"because that's your little girl." daryl spoke up.

"that's not my little girl. it's some other thing. my sophia was alone in the woods. all this time, i thought- she didn't cry herself to sleep. she didn't go hungry. she didn't try to find her way back. sophia died a long time ago." carol spoke, not looking away from the window.

lori walked out after that, leaving carol, marcella and daryl in a solemn silence.

under the willow tree - glenn rhee Where stories live. Discover now