part 4

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the horse ride to the pharmacy was quiet and awkward, due to maggie insisting on coming, even though she saw the two kiss next to the barn and then was confronted about what lay inside the barn.

"you didn't have to come." glenn told her. "you can hate us from a distance."

"please, talk to us, maggie." marcella tried, just wanting her friend back.

"maggie i-" glenn was then cut off by maggie.

"i asked for your trust and you both betrayed it. now my dads pissed at me. your turn." she told them both, anger clear in her tone.

"so, your dad thinks that they're sick? what do you think?" marcella asked maggie, trying to avoid sounding judgmental.

"evan after what you saw at the well?" glenn added on.

"i'm not sure what i saw at the well." maggie stated back.

"wait, what happened at the well?" marcella questioned, not having heard of these events before.

"i'll explain later." glenn muttered, the three of them then getting off of their horses at the pharmacy.

"look, if you would have seen atlanta, you wouldn't have a barn full of walkers." glenn told maggie, clearly frustrated at the situation.

"i wish you'd stop calling them that." maggie was becoming angry now.

"what do you call them?"

"mum. shawn, mr and mrs fisher. lacy, duncan." after listing off the walkers in the barn, maggie left for inside the pharmacy, the two following her.

"what does she want now?" maggie asks as glenn reads the list from lori.

"i can't say."

"so one of them asks you to keep your mouth shut-" marcella cut maggie off by offering her the list, tired of all the secrets between everyone.

"will you help us look, please?" marcella asks maggie, wanting to regain her trust and friendship.

"you have got to be kidding me." maggie mutters as she walks away.

under the willow tree - glenn rhee Where stories live. Discover now