part 3

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"stay here." jenner instructed doctor carter as he moved to get his gun before going to meet the group of strangers.

a pang of uncertainty and regret hit the girl as she fiddled with her own gun. it was just a hand gun which wasn't much compared to jenners, yet carter had made sure to familiarise herself with it.

the pale skinned woman leaned against the desk that jenner had previously sat at in anticipation until the group, led by jenner entered, the room.

"vi! bring up the lights in the big room!" jenner told vi who did so.

doctor carter decided to stay where she was, intimidated by the amount of people that were now in her presence; she hadn't been with more people than just jenner in months.

"welcome to zone five." jenner stated, leading them in.

"where is everybody? the other doctors, the staff?" the sheriff questioned jenner immediately.

"i'm it." jenner stated. "and doctor carter, of course." he added on.

the group seemed to look around the large room for the 'doctor carter' only to find her awkwardly leaning on a desk with her gun in her pocket.

"it's just us here." jenner finished.

"what about the person you were speaking with, vi?"

"vi! say hello to our guests, tell them 'welcome'" vi did as told by jenner. "we're all that's left. i'm sorry."

next jenner insisted on giving blood tests to the new guests as to assure that they were not infected.

"what's the point? if we were infected we'd all be running a fever." a blonde woman named andrea asked as jenner took her blood.

"i've already broken every rule in the book letting you in here, let me just at least be thorough." jenner asked of them, although carter almost sighed at the fact that jenner was claiming that he let them in when he wanted to do the exact opposite.

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