pretty much dead already part 1

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a solemn atmosphere surrounded the group as they ate at camp, marcella could tell that it was projected by rick and lori and figured that rick had recently found out about his wife's pregnancy- wether lori wanted him too or not was the question.

the married couple spoke briefly as marcella and glenn watched them, both wandering the same thing.

glenn soon looked over to dale who nodded briefly, signalling that it was time for glenn and marcella  to speak up. the asian boy stood up, marcella following as they walked closer to the large tent that acted as the centre monument of their little camp.

"ugh, guys." glenn began, catching the attention of his group as marcella coughed awkwardly.

everyone looked towards the two young adults, who seemed to come as a pair- everywhere one went the other followed. glenn then looked at marcella to brake the news to their people, even though they had agreed that he would be the one too.

"so, erm." marcella began, not being prepared for this. "the barns full of walkers." she finished.

shock and fear painted itself onto everybody's faces- except for dale's as he already knew of the situation.

shane had insisted on taking a look at the barn, meaning he dragged most of the group to do the same. after peeping into the crack between the barn doors and the walls, he walked back over to rick.

"you cannot tell me you're all right with this." he angrily stated. marcella had noticed how anger seemed to submerge the now bold man's every sentence.

"no, i'm not. but we're guests here. this isn't our land." rick tried to reason, seeing the greene's view on the situation.

"oh god, this is out lives, man!" shane shouted.

"lower your voice."

"we can't just sweep this under the rug." andrea chimed in, clearly scared for the safety of her self and her group.

"it ain't right. not remote." t-dog stated his opinion, agreeing with the rest.

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