"Or, you can give me my fucking phone." she glared at him.

He took two steps toward her, but she didn't move.

"No one is looking for you. Our families think we are probably off having a romantic walk by the water. They won't be looking for us for hours." He smirked.

She didn't know if her call had gone through, or if anyone knew she was gone yet. He could be right that no one would notice for hours. She took a deep breath and needed to think.

"So, how do you see this ending, because I'm not going to sleep with you, what's your plan here?" Ami was pissed but she needed to calm down and think clearly. He was twice her size.

"I just wanted to talk, that's all I wanted from the beginning." His words made her nauseous, as he grinned at her.

"Fine. What do you want to talk about." Ami crossed her arms trying to figure out her options and stall for time.

"What do you do for work?"

"I told you, I'm a security consultant." She said shortly.

"For who? Anyone, I know?"

"Nope, it's a small up-and-coming company." She just looked at him, and he annoyingly said, "this is where you ask me questions..."

Ami just sighed, "How much school do you have left?"

"I have 6 months left," he said proudly. "See.. talking with me isn't so hard! I don't know why you had to fight it so much before."

Ami wanted to throw up. She forced herself to talk to him for what felt like forever. She needed to figure out how to get them back closer to the waterfront. After a while, she asked him calmly, "Do you want to head back and finish dinner with the rest of our family? I need to eat."

"Not really." He said quickly.

"So we are just going to hang out in this alley for the night. Let's at least walk." She pointed back toward the waterfront. He looked at her, trying to figure out if she had an angle or not, but she was right, they were going to have to leave the alley at some point.

She was done with all this, talking wasn't getting anywhere and she didn't want it to go any further. Resigning herself to getting a new phone, she would figure out how to call the guy later. Ami turned and just started walking back.

"Where do you think you're going?!" He started to follow her.

"Home. I'm done. You wanted to talk, we talked, and now I'm leaving." She picked up the pace she could hear him start to speed up and then she broke into a sprint. Ami ran as fast as she could, she just needed to make the corner onto the street, the sound of his steps getting closer started to make her panic. She knew this time if he caught her there would be no way to talk her way out of it.

As soon as she turned the corner she flattened herself along the wall, Kija was coming at a full sprint around the corner, taking it wide and as soon as he was two steps past her she took off in the other direction.

"Shit!" She heard him say as he turned around.

Ami was getting closer to the restaurant, just around one more corner. Her legs were starting to ache as she ran and she wasn't sure how much longer she could keep up the pace. Hopefully, her aunt and uncle were still there. As soon as she made the turn she looked up and saw Namjoon, Yoongi, and Jungkook arguing with her security.

"KOOK!" She screamed at him, and they all shot their heads up. Jungkook took off first running towards her with the rest right on his heels. Kija came sprinting around the corner to see six men racing towards her. "SHIT!" he quickly stopped and turned back, running back down the road he just came down.

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