There's A Guy IN THERE

Start from the beginning

Then he texted a quick message to May saying he'll be at the Avenger's tower. 

It was 4:30 so he left and rushed to his school. He walked around the building and spotted the car. He looked around but nobody was in sight, so he approached the car. 

He opened the door and like last time Fury was there.

"I see you've come prepared." Fury commented looking at suit covered hands.

He only nodded and buckled in as the car started going.

"What is the thing I'm going to fight? It has like liquid skin." He couldn't help himself in wanting to know more. 

"Good you've researched a little. But not much can be found online. We've narrowed it down to a symbiote."

"But a symbiote needs a host? Who- or what is the host?" He asked. 

'We are venom', 'Sonny and Eddie'. Two of them. Sonny and Eddie are names, and the thing was talking to himself. One of those names could be the name of the host.

"We don't know and that's the problem. It's a big city and this Venom guy has been spotted all around the city. We've narrowed a part in Chinatown where he's been spotted frequently. So that's where you'll start." Fury said. 

"Is there any reason you want me to fight him? Is it because of the eyes?" He asked. Fury didn't seem annoyed, but he sure did seem impatient. 

"The eyes aren't important, but the reason I want you to fight him is because the Avengers will bring too much attention, my spies can't hurt him, and this was a test to see how compliant you are." Fury said narrowing his eye at him. 

He decided that was enough questions. 

The drive wasn't too long and when he stepped out of the vehicle, he saw he was at the LaGuardia Airport. He followed Fury but they didn't enter the main entrance. Instead, there was a side door meant for emergency exits. 

There were two workers waiting for them and they followed them. 

He was brought to a loading dock and when they finally entered the plane it wasn't a passenger plane. This was a fancy jet. 

"Take a seat, you don't want to be standing when we take off." Fury said sitting down in one of the cloud looking seats. 

"I do have sticky feet" He joked, and he could swear when Fury looked away to pull his phone out, he saw a slight smirk. 

He also pulled his phone and sat down. No spam so the Avengers didn't find out anything yet.



Hey dude, Chinatown cameras.


He spared a glance out of the window and saw how high up they were and quickly looked back. 

The whole crashing a plane left a mark. Just as long as he doesn't look again. 

He grabbed his phone to distract himself.

"Once we land, you'll need to hand over the phone. It'll be returned to you once the mission is over. We can't have you record or document anything that happens." Fury said. 

He swallowed.

Shit of course, Ned. 

It's ok, Fury couldn't know. He could probably just get Ned to delete the recordings after to make sure. 

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