"Well, yesterday was just a pretty frank conversation with them. It was more of getting to know you, what are your goals, what do you like, and then I had a bunch of questions for them." She shared with him the phone call and how it went.

He just sat there, shaking his head, "You really don't play by the rules."

"What rules?" She looked at him blankly.

"Usually when they interview new artists it's pretty standard, this is how it works, this is what we do, and artists just agree to whatever they say. Sounds like they started the meeting off and then you took over and finished it." he laughed.

"Well I had questions!" she laughed back at him.

"I know, it's why you are so good at everything you do." he smiled. "You must have impressed them if they wanted another meeting with you. So, they want my recommendation for your detail, how does Pak sound." He smiled at her.

"Can they ask him for details about what he "learns" about me, and then is he obligated to share information with them? He is employed by Hybe, and I just want to make sure they aren't trying to find a loophole somewhere. I also don't want to put him in a bad position."

Mr. Su sat back and thought, it was a good question. "I suppose they could ask that. I've never been asked that before, but we've never had to deal with a 100% privacy issue either. You aren't under contract with them, so there are no set 'rules' they are agreeing to abide by, just what they are saying." He wasn't 100% sure.

"What's your experience with the Directors?" She asked.

"Who did your interview?"

"It was Director Park and a couple of people off camera, but I never saw or heard them," she replied.

"Director Park did the interview himself? How did you know others were there?" He looked just as surprised as the boys were.

"He kept making eye contact with people off-screen." She said matter of factly.

He sat back and sighed. "The music industry is a funny thing. They are notorious for doing anything to get what they want if it's going to make money. I can't honestly say with 100% certainty they won't pull Pak in and ask him questions. I would hope they wouldn't, but I don't know." He was bothered by the possibility no matter how small.

"So Pak is out. I won't do that to him." She replied flatly.

"What if I hire someone from the detail I had for the show? They just need to be a face, they won't need to help me plan. Hybe won't know they aren't my regular details and if they did question them, they won't have any information on me." She suggested.

"No, because if they do question them, they could link you back to Pak. He was the lead for the show." Su said, shaking his head.

"Right." Ami thought for a while. "What if I just go myself?"

He looked at her...

"I can hire a car to pick me up from somewhere, and then wait for me to drop me back off... somewhere. I won't need 'security' at Hybe. I'm there for a meeting. What do you think about that?" They sat there, both thinking.

"If we have one driver pick you up, and another driver takes you somewhere after, that could work. They won't know who dropped you off, so they can't ask where he picked you up. That way you could get ready at your other apartment. That would be easy. We would just need to figure out a drop-off point, and then the usual make sure you aren't followed... all that stuff." His wheels were turning on the possibility.

"So, do you have any idea what this second meeting could entail?" She asked him.

"Humm... Well, my guess and from what I know, they must be interested in what you have to offer them. The fact you didn't scare them off with your questions is a good sign. If they want you in the end, you will just have to be sure you are ok with working to give them what they want. It's all about what you can do for them in the end. Money is always the goal, sadly. I have no doubt you will be able to handle yourself with them, you have more of a business mindset than other artists and don't scare easily. They will be watching you as much as you are watching them." He smiled. "But, I think the idea will work for 2 drivers if you want to do that. I can set that up for you and figure out a drop-off point."

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