"Hey!" She laughed.

"Talk to us first," Jimin said as both boys reached across to hold her.

"Mmm... what's on your mind." She said as she got comfortable again, she loved laying between them.

"How are you feeling, about everything? Your current health is excluded." Jungkook asked as she looked over at him. She loved looking into his eyes, he had the most caring eyes.

"Well, Jimin and Tae found time in my limited consciousness to talk to me." she smiled at him as Jimin hugged her, and they could see her relax when he did this. "I think I will be able to answer that question better after I get a chance to talk to everyone. I don't want to assume anything until everyone gets a chance to tell me how they feel and what they want."

"You are always protecting yourself," Jungkook whispered as he rubbed his thumb on her arm.

"I've just had to for a long time, it gets too overwhelming for me if I don't." She paused for a few seconds, "So, to answer your question, right now, I'm good... and I'm hungry."

Jungkook flashed a smile at her, "Let's go eat. I'm sure Joon needs to see proof of life from you, he's been worried about you all day."

"Oh?" Ami said as they all got up.

"Yes, he's ready to drive you to the hospital himself," Jimin said as he opened the door for her.

"Oh no... thanks for the heads up. Oh, and thanks for everything." She reached up and hugged Jimin and he gave her a big hug. Then she turned and Jungkook picked her up to hug her. As he was holding her he kissed her as he set her down. "Of course," he said as he let her go. She smiled at him and they walked across the hall.

Namjoon was washing dishes when Ami came in behind him, wrapping her arms around him, "I heard you were worried about me." she said as she hugged him.

"Hey! Oooohhhh, you look so much better." He said as he turned and looked at her smiling up at him. He put his hands on the side of her face and leaned down to give her a long kiss. "Are you hungry?" He asked as he pulled away. "Very," she said as he took to her the table and pulled out a chair.

Ami sat at the table while the guys filtered in and out, happy to see she was looking more like herself. Jin finally wandered in and saw she was laughing and talking with everyone, and he sat down to join them. He didn't say much but just watched her with everyone and how everyone interacted with her. It was so easy.

While she was sleeping earlier in the day they talked and agreed to give each other space if the opportunity arose if someone wanted to talk to her. They understood that bombarding her with 6, what could be emotional conversations at one time, would be too much for anyone.

After a couple of hours of talking, Ami was surprised to feel like she was ready to go back to bed. Jin could see she was starting to fade. He got up from the table and went over to her and leaned down, "Come on, let's get you to bed." Ami looked up to him and smiled and stood up to head back to her apartment, but was surprised he took her hand and started walking her back to his room.

Jin took her back to his room and closed the door. "You don't have to stay here tonight, but I wanted to check in with you. You look pretty tired, I'm sorry it has taken so much out of you." Jin was standing in front of her, running his hands up and down her arms. Ami just looked up at him, watching him as he spoke to her. "We don't have a big conversation tonight, but I didn't want you to worry about how I felt about you." He leaned down and kissed her and he could feel her body react to him with a quick inhale as their lips met.

He reluctantly pulled his lips away but left his forehead on hers. "I do love you, but I also know you are Joon's. I am happy to take anything you are willing to share with me. I find it amazing that you would want to share so much of yourself with all of us." He reached up and brushed her hair back with his hand.

"Why do you say that?" she whispered to him.

"You are one of the most loving people I have met. The amount of care and concern you have for myself and all of us, I don't know how you do it." He pulled his head off hers so he could look at her when he was talking to her.

"It's easy. It's so easy with all of you. If it was hard, it wouldn't be right. Your friendship and your love just fit, like a puzzle piece." She smiled at him as she hugged him. He wrapped his arms around her and she loved how she felt like she fit in his arms. "Thank you for loving me." She said quietly.

"Oh no honey, thank you for loving us," he said into her ear. He kissed her again before taking her hand and heading back down to Namjoon's room. He was already back in his room when Jin opened the door and brought her in.

"Thanks, Jin." he smiled at him as he helped her into his bed.

"Goodnight," She said as she closed her eyes.

"Goodnight, honey." he gave her a quick kiss on the cheek and smiled at Namjoon, then headed back out.

Namjoon climbed into bed with her, "Everything OK?" he asked as he pulled his body up behind hers, but she didn't answer, she was already asleep.

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