"Ah, Ami! We finally meet." Smiling as he bows to her.

"Mr. Park, I didn't realize I was someone you wanted to meet," she said back to him with a bow.  "Thank you for giving Ji-Hoon a job, he is excited about it"

"Oh well, any friend of Ji-Hoon's. Have you been here before?" He asked as he glanced over at his nephew.

"No, I haven't but Ji-Hoon says it's one of his favorite places. He said he loves all the food here," she replied, she noticed her friend glanced down nervously at his plate when she said this. 'What the fuck is going on.' she thought to herself.

"Oh yes, great food. You know, it's open mic night in a bit, you should get up and sing. My nephew says you are a really good singer." She noticed Ji-Hoon shifted in his seat a little.

Ami laughed, "Ah, well, I'm sorry to let you know your nephew has lied to you. I'm horrible. "

"Well, I hope you reconsider. Enjoy the evening and maybe we will see you again soon." Mr. Park said his goodbyes and left them at the table again.

"Well that was nice he came over to say hello." She said to him, trying to figure out what was going on. "Does he come here a lot?"

"I think so." Ji-Hoon uncomfortably replied. She just watched him fidget in his seat.

"Hey, I'm going to run to the bathroom before we head out, I'll be right back." Ami grabbed her purse, smiled at him, and walked to the bathroom.

Once she was locked in a stall she fired off a text to Namjoon. "Do you know anyone by the name of Park Jin-young?"

He was quick to reply, "He's the owner of JYP Entertainment, why?"

"He just introduced himself to me." she texted back.

Her phone pinged again, "What are you going to do?" He texted. He knew she hated being backed in a corner and gloves would come off.

"I'll be good, I promise. See you soon." She texted back.

Ami was standing in the bathroom putting all the pieces together. "OK, so I have to assume he 'knows' who I am...Ji-Hoon doesn't have a clue in his head...soo... are they watching me trying to flush me out?"

She picked up her phone again and sent a message to Mr. Su.

"I think I have been discovered. I can't come back tonight because I don't know if I'm going to be followed or not. I feel like this entire thing was a setup. I won't put the boys at risk until we have a plan in place. I'm going to go to the other apartment tonight and I'll call Namjoon when I get there and explain everything. Oh, and I'm going to take a cab, please let the driver know I won't be returning with him."

"OK, let me know when you arrive." Mr. Su fired back.

Ami rejoined her friend. "I think I'm going to get going, it's getting late." She smiled at him and tried to be as natural as possible. "It was so good to see you again, it's been too long!" she said to him.

"Do you want a ride home?" he asked with a nervous smile.

"I didn't know you had a car?" She said surprised.

"Well, I have a company car tonight, so I can give you a ride if you want." He smiled at her.

"Wow! You must be doing well if they gave you a company car! Good for you! They must value your hard work!" She could see him cringe a little with all her praise. " I'll just get a taxi, it's not far. Thanks again for the fun night, let's catch up again soon, OK?" She gave him a quick hug as a taxi pulled up. When she pulled up she read an address off to the driver and they took off.

**3 weeks earlier**

"Mr. Su, can we talk for a second," Ami said to him in the lobby of the building.

"What's up?" He smiled at her.

"I need your professional opinion." She said seriously to him. "What would happen if someone found out 'who' I am, and that I live in the same building as the boys? Honestly."

He looked at her, she was honestly concerned and he knew there could be a reason why.

"From a security standpoint? It could get messy. As you know, their fans can be pretty possessive. It's no secret where they live, so I would suspect some would show up here for them, and you." He told her earnestly.

"From a PR standpoint... not much better. It doesn't matter who it would be, as you have seen, any girl that is remotely associated with them can get raked over the coals online. It usually blows over, but it's not fun for anyone involved."

"From a professional standpoint, it can take a hit on careers depending on how the media spins it. Why do you ask?" He was watching her take it all in.

"I think I need an apartment that is not in this building," she said, a matter of factly but with sadness in her voice.

"You want to move out?" He looked at her surprised.

"No, but if there is ever a reason it wouldn't be good to come back, for them, then I need an alternate place to go that seems like a natural location. If we come out and announce stuff, that's one thing... I just think it might be a good idea. I have money from the sale of my place to rent a realistic apartment for someone like me. What do you think?"

He sat back and thought about everything she had said. He had also been thinking about scenarios on this topic but hadn't come to any real conclusions yet.

"I think that is a really good backup plan, at least it will give time if assessments need to be made. They won't be happy about it though." He said with a knowing smile.

"Oh, I know. It's going to be a mess." she laughed.

"Let me find something, and we'll talk soon. Thank you for coming and talking to me."

"Thanks for helping" She smiled and went back upstairs.


The taxi pulled up to the apartment building and Ami went inside. She wasn't sure if she had been followed but had to assume she had been. She put her key in the lock and walked into a cute little apartment. Mr. Su had it furnished with some basic stuff for her, she found a note on the table from him.

"Ms. Ami, if you are reading this note then you or I felt it was better for you to come here tonight. I'm sorry if that has happened. Everything you may need is here for you, but you also need to know the apartments on either side of you are occupied by my team. If you are here, they are here as well. Please give me a call when you get in, so we can go over anything we need to. -Mr. Su"

Tears formed in her eyes as she read the note. The fact he had thought to put his team around her was something she never considered he would do.

First, she needed to call Namjoon and let him know what was going on.

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