Dr. Lee quickly took her head in his hands and looked into her eyes, "Do you need to sit down?" Dr. Lee asked. The look of concern was not lost on the group.

"I'm OK... I'm OK...I'm spinning." Ami spoke quietly, she was trying to steady herself from being so dizzy.

Dr. Lee looked at Yoongi and Jin, "Get her arms free and her shirt over her head, while I examine her. We need to do this quickly."

They nodded and helped her maneuver her arms out of her shirt while the doctor quickly started pressing around her stomach and tending to her bruises. Tears came to her eyes as he was pushing on her ribs and she gasped a little when he hit tender spots. Jungkook was almost in tears watching her be in so much pain. Tae looked at Jungkook, "Come on, let's get her some water while they do this." and he led him away while they helped her.

Namjoon looked down and noticed her back was covered in bruises, he gave a heartbroken look to Jimin and then leaned in and kissed the back of her head. She went through too much this time, he thought. When he kissed her he could feel her relax in his arms again. He put his head down next to hers and she could feel his breath on her neck. She leaned her head into his.

"Ami, your ribs are bruised, so I'm going to wrap them." The doctor was quickly getting supplies out of his bag. "Mmmmm" Ami responded, not paying attention to what was happening. She felt like she wasn't even in her own body.

As the doctor started wrapping her ribs, she let out a gasp and was instantly present again. The pressure of the wrap on her was almost too much. "It will help, I promise," Namjoon whispered in her ear.

"You are doing so good, hang in there, he's almost done." Yoongi was telling her as she looked up toward the ceiling for any amount of relief, tears falling from her eyes.

"Done." The doctor said, Jimin and Hobi quickly helped her get her clean shirt on and Ami started to calm down and relax as she was getting used to the pressure the wraps had on her body.

"Can you tell me what happened tonight?" Dr. Lee said. He wanted to keep her talking to assess if she had a concussion.

Ami slowly ran through the entire night from the work party to what they were doing right now. As she was telling the story the doctor nodded at Namjoon. He unbuttoned her pants and they hit the floor. Jimin helped her step out of them and Jin kicked them off to the side. They helped her step into the shorts and pulled them up for her. Namjoon re-positioned his hands again to give her support.

The guys were reliving what they heard over the phone, but with all the details. Tears came to their eyes as they realized how hard she had to fight, and what she had gone through. As she finished with the details the doctor was done wrapping her wounds. "Please... I need to sit." She stammered. "Let's move her to the couch." He said gently.

Jin moved and let Namjoon take over his side and he and Yoongi helped her walk over and carefully sit down. Just sitting felt so much better for her, she leaned back on the couch and let out a sigh.

Jungkook brought her some water and sat down next to her. Namjoon was at her other side, he pulled a blanket over and they wrapped her in it. "Drink this," Jungkook said with a small smile. "Thanks, Kook." Ami accepted the water and slowly sipped on it. The cool water felt so refreshing after the long night. The fuzz in her head was starting to clear, but she still felt not 100% present.

"She has a lot of bruising and scrapes, the worst being on her ribs... But nothing appears to be broken. She should be healed up in a couple of weeks." Then he turned and looked at her, "after hearing what you went through, you are extremely lucky you are even here. If you wouldn't have acted as fast as you did, all of you, it could have been so much worse."

The collective stress of the room seemed to relax hearing the news she was ultimately going to be OK. Jin asked, "Do you know why she has been so dizzy?" Namjoon looked up at the doctor, he was worried about the same thing.

"She went through a lot, so her body is handling it the best it can. She needs rest and time." He said with a reassuring smile as he looked at Namjoon. He could tell he was the most worried of the group and he needed to hear that more than anyone. Namjoon nodded, understanding what the doctor was saying. He looked back at Ami and tilted his head and smiled at her, she reached over and he took her hand softly in his.

"I'll be back tomorrow morning to check on you, get some good rest." He smiled at her, amazed she came out as good as she did from the attack.

"Thank you again, Dr. Lee," Ami said with a tired smile. Everyone thanked him and Jin walked him to the door. "If you have any additional concerns, call me immediately. I'll bring some pain medicine tomorrow. She can't have any tonight, we need to know how she is feeling and if she starts to feel worse." He told Jin. "She's one tough girl." and with that, Dr. Lee left.

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