"Ami! You are up!" Jungkook smiled as she walked into the room. He was happy that she looked better than in the morning. "Are you feeling better? We were worried." She looked up to see him and some of the guys relaxing in the living room. "I am, thank you. Sorry I have been down all day." She smiled at them all.

"Nothing to be sorry about," Namjoon said as he came out of the kitchen. "Come and have some soup, it's been simmering all day and it's finally ready. I'm sure you are really hungry."

As she sat down a big bowl of soup was put down in front of her. "It smells wonderful," Ami said as she started eating. It all felt so comfortable. Easy.

Jimin came and joined her as she ate. He enjoyed talking with her and wanted to get to know her more. He asked her questions about London as Yoongi and Hobi listened in. "We are watching movies tonight if you are interested," Jimin said.

"I really can't impose anymore." she said between bites, "you have all been so kind, but I'm sure you want your space back." She looked over at Namjoon, it was his room she had been staying in.

"Oh, stooop" Jimin said with annoyance. "It's nice to have a guest for once. Stay and see how you are feeling afterward, OK?" He flashed a smile that she couldn't refuse. She laughed, "OK, OK... movies it is." Everyone was happy she was going to stay.

With that, they chatted as she finished her soup. Namjoon stood in the kitchen, watched, and listened as they talked. He noticed her color was looking better and she was engaged when talking with them. There was an ease that surrounded her as they covered all sorts of topics. When she was done with her soup he came and took her bowl for her.

"Thank you," she said to him, she started to get up and Jimin came over to help her. The last time she ate and stood up resulted in her passing out, and he didn't want her to fall again. She smiled at him as they walked to the living room to settle in for the evening.

The living room was large and full of couches and oversized chairs. Having the pick of where to sit, she chose a large comfortable chair. Hobi gave her a blanket to cuddle under, and she tucked it around her, resting her bandaged hand on the armrest of the chair.

All the guys piled on the couches and got comfortable. She watched with amusement as Jungkook and Tae wrestled for the last spot on the couch. Finally, they calmed down and started the movie.

Namjoon watched her from across the room while the movie was playing. He could see she was deep in thought and not really paying attention to the screen. She was absentmindedly rubbing the pendant that was around her neck. He had noticed it when they were changing her out of her wet clothes the day before, a thin gold chain around her neck. He saw her tuck it back under her shirt as she sunk a little further into the oversized chair. Moving around the world without knowing anyone or a job couldn't be easy. Even after the events of the night before, she seemed content but felt there was sadness underneath too. He enjoyed listening to her talk to Jimin while she was eating. She was easy to joke around with but had a peaceful demeanor about her.

Soon the movie was over, and almost everyone was asleep, Ami included. Namjoon got up and put the blanket back on her that had slipped off. He touched her face with the back of his hand and satisfied went to the kitchen to get something to drink. Jin saw him get up and followed him into the kitchen.

"She seems nice," Jin said as he pulled up a chair next to Namjoon.

"Mmmmm.." Namjoon replied, sipping his drink.

"You've been watching her all night," Jin said, with a smile. "She seems like a down-to-earth person, and you know that is hard to find these days."

"We don't even really know her Jin, and she doesn't seem to know who we are. Don't you think that will be a problem in some way when she finds out?" He was hoping not, but he had gotten his hopes up before.

"Who knows," Jin said as he finished his drink. "I know it's hard to trust people when so many people want something from us. It's hard to know people's true intentions. At some point though, you are going to have to take a chance. If she doesn't know much about us, it's probably better, don't you think? Then we get to know the true her, not what she shares with us because she had read about us online. Tomorrow I'm sure she will want to go home, it should be you that takes her." With that Jin headed off to bed. Namjoon stayed at the table, thinking about what he said.

The morning felt like it came quickly, and Ami was the first to awake in the room of slumbering boys. Looking around, everyone was sleeping soundly, although Jin and Namjoon weren't there. She got up and made her way to the kitchen she was glad to be feeling so much better from the day before and the jet lag was finally gone.

As she poured herself some water, she heard someone come up behind her. "Can I get you anything?" she turned, and Namjoon was standing there, hair wet from a fresh shower.

"Morning" Ami smiled, and leaned up against the counter, "Nope, I'm good. I think I do need to head home though. I need to take a shower pull myself together a bit..day 3 in these clothes can't be good for anyone."

Namjoon laughed, "No problem, let me get my stuff and we can head out."

"Oh! You don't have to do that, I can make it myself." She was surprised he was going to make sure she got home safely.

He grabbed his phone, and baseball hat and handed her bag to her with a smile, "Come on, it's a beautiful morning for a walk."

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