"And, Chuck, you did say you'd talk" Dean says looking at him. The men just stand there all looking at one another, not really impressed with this whole idea.
"Him first" Lucifer then says pointing to Chuck, "I'm the one who's owed an explanation"

Chuck just looks at him, closing his eyes and sighing, still not wanting to say anything.
"Okay, let's try 'I feel' statements" Dean then says and Calliope and Sam look at him, "Dr. Phil. It's....huh?" he says to the two of them, as he then indicates to Calliope and Sam to come sit down.
"Oh, yeah of course" Sam says as they sit down by the broken telescope.

"I am sorry that you feel that I betrayed you, that I acted without cause. And I'm sorry that you can't see you gave me no choice" Chuck says as he looks over at the others, and Dean shakes his head at him, "I'm good"
"You heard that, right?" Lucifer says to the three of them.
"We all know that you are God, um, but, maybe, could you be a little less lordly?" Sam asks him.

"But I am the Lord" Chuck says to him.
"Wow. There he goes" Lucifer then says.
"I did what I had to do. To create the world, I had to lock Amara away. And when the Mark corrupted you, and I saw that you posed a threat to humankind, I did the same with you" Chuck then says.

"No, you betrayed me. You gave me the Mark to lock her away, and when it changed me, when it did what the Mark inevitably does, you threw me away" Lucifer says to him.
"No, son. The Mark... You always cast a jaundiced glace at humans. The Mark didn't change you. It just made you more of what you already were." Chuck says.

"What I was, was your son. Your child" Lucifer says anger in his voice.
"Why should I put you first above all others?" Chuck asks him.
"You have any idea what it's like to argue with your father, when your father is God?" Lucifer then says looking at the three of them, "Everything is a tautology with you" he says looking back at Chuck, "Everything is 'Because I told you so'. Everything's 'it had to be done'"

"Pretty sure that's all fathers" Dean then says.
"Okay, fine. Big picture, as God, you did what you had to do. But little picture? You sucked at being a dad" Lucifer says to Chuck.
"Okay, maybe I didn't handle everything perfectly. But tell me. Could I have kept humankind safe with you on the board? I know about your little bid to replace me with the angels. Okay, 'New God' what would you have done about you?" Chuck says to him.

"That is not the point" Lucifer then says.
"I cannot believe I am about to really say this, but uh, Uncle Lucifer is right" Calliope then says, and Chuck looks at her, "he just wants an apology, and all you are concerned about is being right to give him one. Apologies are not always about being in the right. Sometimes they are just about apologizing" she goes on to say.
"Yeah, and the great thing about apologies is you don't have to mean them. You know? I lie and tell Sam I'm sorry all the time, and maybe once or twice to Callie I have" Dean then says, and Calliope looks at him, "I'm sorry" he says, "See? That's.."
"Okay, enough from the peanut gallery" Chuck says waving his hand, and suddenly the three of them are transported to the upstairs area of the bunker.

"Well, that went well" Calliope sighs, looking at the brothers, who just shrug their shoulders at her. Just then they hear footsteps, and they get up looking down to see Chuck and Lucifer walking in.

"Hey" Sam says to them.
"So, are we good?" Dean then asks, as Lucifer and Chuck both look at one another, "Okay, great"
"So, what now?" Sam asks.
"We trap Amara, put her back in the box" Chuck says.

"Wait, what?" Dean asks.
"Yeah, well, you were right, she needs to be destroyed. But I won't kill her" Chuck tells him.
"Why not?" Calliope asks.
"Amara's been caged for billions of years, but, she, you know, she was always there. She had to be there. You know, Yin and Yang. You know dark and light" he explains.
"English, Chuck" Dean says needing clarification.

Fix Us (Book 2) A Supernatural StoryWhere stories live. Discover now