19- Smelled Flowers

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Season 10 x 12

For the next few days, Dean, Calliope and Sam overwhelm themselves in books, and files, anything that is related to the Mark. They wanted nothing more than to get rid of it for Dean's sake and their own. Calliope could see the toll it was taking on Dean, as there were some nights where she would wake up to find him sitting on the floor leaning against their bed reading. He wouldn't even leave their room; she would bring him food to eat. Dean wanted nothing more then to get rid of the mark, guilt still eating away at him for what he did to Charlie.

Calliope laid on the bed reading one of the many files they had scattered around, while Dean was once again sitting on the floor leaning against the bed. "What if I just take the rest of this?" Calliope says as she takes her necklace out that held her grace. "I mean, maybe I can like burn it off with my angelic powers" she suggests to Dean.

"No...no, I'm not asking you to do that Calliope" Dean says to her.
"Dean, how many times do I have to keep offering to do it? You know one day I just will saw screw it and see what happens" she sighs.
"I know Callie, I know, but we've got bigger problems then you going all Touched by An Angel" Dean says to her.

She looks at him, "I so could have made a joke about that, but I won't" she smiles.
"Yeah, that was...that was corny wasn't it" he smiles at her.
"Hey, there's something I haven't seen in a long time" she says leaning down over the side of the bed.

"Hey, there's something I haven't seen in a long time" she says leaning down over the side of the bed

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"What haven't you seen?" he asks her.
"You smile" she says to him.
"Sorry, haven't had a whole lot to smile about lately" he tells her.
"Yeah...I know" she sighs, "But I know one thing that always makes you smile" she then says to him.

"Oh, yeah and what's that" he asks her.
"Me" she says to him.
"Yeah...yeah you do" he says as he smiles at her once more, and she leans over the bed and kisses him.

Just then they hear footsteps, and Calliope pulls away from Dean, "Umm, hey" Sam says to them.
"Hey" Dean says to him.
"Caught a case" Sam says as he comes into Dean's room and goes to hand Dean his tablet, "Apparently, something is taking people...and leaving their clothes" he tells them.

Dean looks at the article, Calliope looking over his shoulder at it, "Hmm, about time this gig got an R rating. All right, why don't you two check it out? I'll hold down the fort" he says handing the tablet back to Sam.
"Babe, you have not left the bunker in a week" Calliope says as she gets up and takes the tablet to give to Sam.

"And" he says to her.
"You can't keep living your life locked up in this room" she says.
"I don't know I got you and a cot, could be worse" he says to her.
"Look, I didn't want to say anything but I had to" Calliope says to him.
"Look, I know that you are worried about the Mark" Sam then says.

"Yes, Sam, I am" Dean says looking up at him, "Between what I did to Charlie—"
"Charlie forgave you. How about you forgive yourself?" Sam says to him.
"I'm not exactly batting a thousand here, you know?" Dean says to his brother.

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