Act Two

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Calliope had finally come back to Earth to be with the boy that she loved

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Calliope had finally come back to Earth to be with the boy that she loved. It was amazing to be back with Dean Winchester but it was a mess when she came back. Angels had fallen all over Earth, and they were after Castiel. Sam was dying when Calliope came back, and Dean had called out to the angels, and they answered. One took over Sam to save him and Dean and Calliope kept it quiet, until it was too late. The angel that took over Sam ended up killing their friend Kevin, and that tore Dean up. He felt responsible for Kevin's death, and wanted nothing more then to destroy the angel that killed Kevin. Eventually Dean took on the Mark of Cain, and something began to change inside Dean, especially when he came in contact with the First Blade. Calliope could see the change going on with Dean, but she loved him, and she didn't want to accept it.

Calliope and Sam, locked Dean up, scared of the changes going inside him, but it doesn't work. Dean gets out because of Crowley, and he doesn't want them to stop him. They come with him to stop Metatron, and he knocks Sam out. Calliope wants to stop Dean, but she couldn't, and instead she tells him to cuff her to the car, and punch her to make it seem real. Once Sam comes back too, the two of them take off, because they realize that Dean was basically going to die and didn't care. Just as they arrive, they see Dean's bloody face and watch as Metatron stabs him in the chest. Dean dies in Sam's arms, and Calliope couldn't believe that she lost the man that she loved after just coming back to him. They bring Dean's body back to the bunker and they both do the one thing that they never thought they would do and they summon Crowley to help save Dean. Only Crowley doesn't appear to them, but a few hours later they find a note in Dean's room and Dean is now gone.


Calliope Atwell - The Half Angel
(Caity Lotz)

Dean Winchester - The Tortured Soul(Jensen Ackles)

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Dean Winchester - The Tortured Soul
(Jensen Ackles)

Sam Winchester - The Loyal Brother(Jared Padalecki)

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Sam Winchester - The Loyal Brother
(Jared Padalecki)

Sam Winchester - The Loyal Brother(Jared Padalecki)

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Castiel - The Fallen Angel
(Misha Collins)

Castiel - The Fallen Angel(Misha Collins)

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Crowley - King Of Hell
(Mark Sheppard)

Crowley - King Of Hell(Mark Sheppard)

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Rowena - The Witch
(Ruth Connell)

Rest of Supernatural Cast portrayed by their respected actors/actresses

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Rest of Supernatural Cast portrayed by their respected actors/actresses

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