6- I Didn't Realize

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Dean and Calliope stayed in the car, while Sam went to talk to the manager of the motel. "You know I wasn't trying to defend Sam, but still he did what he needed to find you. Yes he didn't tell about it, but still would have rather me become full on angelic and who know I might lose how I feel for you, I could become like Castiel" she says to him.
"There's no way you would become like Cass, or any of those other dick angels" he says to me.
"Well if time comes I will take it, and we will see what happens" Calliope says as she leans forward from the seat. "I'm sorry by the way" she says to him.

"For what?" he asks looking back at her.
"Not saving you before Crowley made you into what you were" she says as she tries not to cry.
"Callie, I've told you don't blame yourself, I'm sorry for putting you through hell" he says to her.
"We really need to stop this whole apology game" she smiles at him.

"Yeah" he says smiling back.
"From now on no more apologizing for what happened, agree?" she asks him.
"Agree" he says as she leans over the back seat and kisses him.
"You know if we weren't waiting for Sam" Dean smirks at her.
"Yep, my Dean is defiantly back" she says as Sam comes back over to the car.

"All right. So the, uh, clerk says a blond rolled into Room 3 just before sun-up" Sam tells them.
"She alone?" Dean asks.
"He thinks so" Sam says as Calliope looks into the rear view mirror and sees a girl coming out of a room, and she turns around in the car quickly to see it's room 3.
"She's on the move" she tells the brothers. Her and Dean got out of the car, and along with Sam they start to follow the girl.

The three of them manage to follow the girl to the park nearby, and keep their distance. Suddenly she stops and turns down another path, "What's she doing?" Sam asks.

"Looking for breakfast" Dean remarks. They follow her down the path and see her following a jogger. The jogger stops for a minute before continuing on, and they pull their guns out before Kate could follow.

"Kate" Dean calls out and she stops.
"It's over" Sam then says.
Kate then turns to face them and they realize it's not her, "Oh, God. Please. Don't. I'll give you anything you want" she says to them, scared.
"Where's Kate?" Sam asks the girl.
"Who?" she asks.

"You were just in her motel room" Dean says.
"What? That's my room." She says.
"Why were you following that guy?" Dean asks her.
"Robbie? I know him. I just wanted to surprise him" she says.
Calliope looks at the girl, then at Dean, "Test her" she says to him.
"Test me for what?" the girl says still trying to be scared. Dean, Calliope and Sam walk up to her slowly as Dean takes out one of his silver knifes.
"Help! Somebody help me!" the girl cries out.
"Just take it easy" Dean says to her.

"I don't wanna die" the girl says as she then changes, her teeth baring and she shoves Dean down to the ground, then she shoves Sam down. Before Calliope is able to use her powers on the girl, the girl jumps her and knocks Calliope down to the ground, wrapping her hands around Calliopes neck, strangling her.

"Stop it Stop it" they the hear Kate say as she pulls the girl off Calliope.
Kate looks at the girl, who growls at Kate before running off. Dean sits up and aims to shoot at the werewolf girl, but Kate steps in front of him. "Don't! She's my sister" Kate says to him and the three look at her pissed.

Dean went to see if he could find the girl, and he comes back, "I lost her" he says to them, as he pulls his gun on Kate. "Kate, why is your sister a werewolf, huh? Why?" he says.
"Let her talk" Sam says to Dean, as he tries to lower Dean's gun.
"I am" Dean says to him.
"Then put the gun down" Sam says.
"Why? So she can run again? Uh-uh" Dean says to him.
"Dean, she just saved us. And I've got my special gift" Calliope says looking at him.
Dean still looking pissed lowers the gun, and puts the safety on it. "My sister's a werewolf because I turned her into one." She tells them, and they aren't thrilled about it.

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