65~ Semi-happy

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I'm screwed.

I dart my head from side to side, eyeing the two wolves with a teasing smirk on my face. They both have auburn coats but their eyes are different, one being grey and the other brown. Their humans sides are in control. Personally, I find it quite interesting that their wolves are not the ones who want to attack me, considering the fact that they think I'm a rebel.

"Do you guys want to play? Will you be good boys for me?"

Common sense should alert me not to mess with angry wolves but is it really bad that I still want to?

They growl louder at me, taking slow steps toward me simultaneously. Matching their pace, I take steps back until my back hits the tree and I have nowhere to run to.

My brain ceases to think of ideas to stall or even escape. Being cornered and defenseless is not a good thing.

My focus completely shifts to one of the wolves as they rest their weight on their hind paws, looking ready to pounce. Panic rises in my stomach and sweat drips down my forehead.

If only I could there was some kind of distraction...

Confirming my suspicions, the wolf pounces and a loud shriek escapes my mouth as I shut my eyes and wait for the impact. A loud thump forces me to open my eyes  and I see the wolf lying on the floor beside a tree.

I switch my gaze to another wolf which has entered my line of sight, a grey one with black streaks on his fur. His eyes are completely, indicating the wolf has full control and they are settled on me. I tilt my head in confusion.

Who is he?

Probably Ricky.

The other unharmed auburn wolf growls at the grey wolf venomously and the grey wolf growls back, taking an intimidating step towards it. The smaller auburn wolf cowers momentarily before snapping its head to mine. He lunges for me but I take to my heels and jump away from the spot, leaping up on the first branch of the closest tree then onto the closest branch to it.

The wolf is obviously shocked by my agility and speed as his eyes widen a noticable amount. It wipes the look of its face and its mouth curves into an ugly snarl.

"Stand down," I hear calm, commanding voice  say to the brown wolf and it turns toward it.

The brown wolf growls in defiance, ignoring Ricky's command. Ricky does not take this this too lightly and gold starts to swirl in his eyes.

"I said stand down!" Ricky repeats louder, almost spitting the words out. The wolf submits immediately, bowing his head and covering its eyes with its paws and low whimpers crawl out of its mouth.

Ricky takes a deep breath, calming himself. He turns to the other brown wolf who is lying by the tree. It start to stir and one look from Ricky and it trembles.

"Both of you, take your leave right now and you better not have hurt her. Prepare for your punishment for your blatant disobedience," Ricky snarls at them. "You are dismissed."

They both scurry to paws before dashing off. Ricky shakes his head with a sigh before turning around to look at me. Honestly, I expect him to be mad, to scold me for my behavior but instead, he gives me a small smile and gestures for me to come down.

I oblige and gracefully jump off the branch before landing unsteadily on both feet. Just as I stand up to my full height, I notice someone walking toward us. Alexis.

I guess he was the grey wolf.

"Luna, are you okay?" He asks worriedly. "Did you get hurt? Do we need to take you to the hospital?"

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