14~ Her worry

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Shit. How am I going to get clothes?
I can't just walk into the dorm naked, can I?

'Well...' Reina says.

'What?' I ask.

'You should get used to nudity.'

'That isn't something I think I'll get used to.'

'Or you could just mindlink someone from the inside.'

Ayisha and I aren't technically on speaking terms so Vanellope should help.

'How do I mindlink?'

'Just imagine the person you want to talk to, focus and speak to them with your mind.'

'That sounds hard.'

'You mindlinked Gwinifer in class today,' Reina deadpans.

So that was what happened.

'That was an accident,' I tell her.

'Then accidentally mindlink Vanellope or walk into the dorm naked, your choice.'

I guess I'm doing this.

I close my eyes and think of Vanellope's small figure, a dark brown hair and her light skin then I release a breath.

"Nell?" I call but get no response.


Still nothing.

'This isn't working, Reina.'

'Try harder.'


"Nell. Are you there? Nell?!" I yell in frustration.

"God?" I hear her soft voice whisper in my head.

Thank goodness.

"Nell, it's me. Loraly."

"God's name is Loraly?"

I snort. "No, silly. It's Loraly, your friend."

"Oh, a bit disappointing but I'll take it."

I roll my eyes. Ayisha's sassy attitude is rubbing off on her.

"Nell, I need you to please bring clothes for me outside the dorm."


"Save the questions for when you bring the clothes to me, okay?"


A few minutes later, Nell comes into my line of sight. She walks slowly, looking around her surroundings for me. When she sees me, she jumps in surprise. Fear flashes across her features and she looks ready to run. She must not recognize me in wolf form.

"Nell, calm down. It's me," I tell her, attempting to calm her down.

She visibly gulps.

"You're big, bigger than I thought you would be. You have alpha blood," She says in a daze.

"Can we talk about this later?" I ask.


She takes slow steps toward me and I carefully take the dress from her.

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