59~ A new mission

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Remembering yesterday only makes me twitch in anger. To think that Beta Alexis thought he had the guts to run his mouth how he pleased, Gamma Ricky avoided me like a plagued and Alpha Tobias, my mate stayed out of my line of sight for the rest of the day.

Cecil left this morning. Saying it was emotional would be an understatement. We didn't want to separate after just reuniting. Ricardo only spared me a curt nod before he took her away from me, their bickering starting as soon as the stepped into the car.

Cecil had discussed my stay here at the pack with Alpha Tobias. From what I know, neither know when it would end or if it would end. However, she told me if I couldn't take it, she would come get me; she wouldn't let me suffer again especially because of my mate.

Since they discussed my stay and I was left out of the conversation, I have to meet Alpha Tobias to talk about the terms and conditions of living in his pack. Hence why I'm walking to his office right now.

Cecil showed me the office before he left so it wouldn't be a problem reaching it on my own. On reaching the door, I contemplate on just walking in and decide otherwise because that would seem unprofessional and too... friendly, two things my mate and I are not. We are not even on talking basis.

I knock on the door multiple times and wait for the permission to enter. After a couple of seconds, Alpha Tobias gives me the permission and I twist the knob, opening the door and stepping in.

I shut the door behind me and confidently walk to a seat in front of the Alpha's desk, taking a quick scan of the room before I take a seat.

The room is painted white and grey. It has a couple of pushed into a corner, filled to the brim with books and a long couch opposite it. A short, black is in front of the couch with a few books on it and some coasters and the couch as about five pillows on it. On the floor is a black rug which looks comfortable. Beside me are two other leather chairs and in front of me is a desk scattered with documents and pens. Alpha Tobias sits behind the desk in his messy glory and a wooden coat rack stands behind him.

"I didn't ask you to sit," He practically growls at me.

"What? Am I going to need your permission to breathe too?" I roll my eyes and cross my arms.

"Roll your eyes one more time and you just might," He replies in a commanding tone and I shift uncomfortably.

"Can we just get this over with?" I ask with another eye roll, just to annoy him.

He sighs and shakes his head. "The terms and conditions of your stay here are simple. This is the pack house; the gamma, the beta and I live here with a couple of other people. Sometimes, our families come here and stay for a while so beware of that as well. While you stay here, you are not allowed to leave this house without my permission and supervision from someone of my choice."

I'm not really surprised.

"So basically, I need a babysitter?" I question obnoxiously.

"Yes, while you're here, you're under my care so what I say, goes," He glares at me, waiting for me to object but I simply shrugs.

He continues. "You are also not allowed to shift-"

I interrupt him. "That's not going to be a problem, considering that my wolf if dormant, now is it?"

"She had to be put down," He says simply.

"No! You put her down, because you couldn't handle me being in my heat, you didn't like the way your gamma had his hands on me and you couldn't -or better yet- didn't want to do anything about it," I reply angrily. "If I loose my wolf because of your lack of self control, I will never forgive you. Never."

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