9~ Her foes

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"I can't believe you tricked me," I huff, crossing my arms.

"You should be thanking me," Vanellope whines.

"It took me ten minutes to get ready. I could have used that fifteen more minutes of sleep."

"I'm sorry, I saved your butt for missing breakfast," Nell rolls her eyes.

"I thought I was the mean one in this relationship," I groan playfully.

"We can switch roles once in a while. Sometimes, being cute is difficult," Vanellope replies.

Vanellope woke me up by pushing me out of my bed and dragging me out of the dream which I can't even remember. She told me it was fifteen minutes to seven, but it was actually thirty minutes to. She lied. I'm pissed.

Only Cecil and Reina used to tease me like that and it was never funny to me. Now that I think of it, I haven't heard from Reina in a long time.




'Reina, can you hear me?'

Something's wrong with Reina. Another problem. Great. I'll just add that to my list after making new allies.

Someone sits beside me and a smile greets my face as I notice it's Ayisha.

"Hey," I say.

"Hey," She greets, grinning.

She smirks and turns and to Vanellope. "Hey Nell."

"You two really have to stop calling me that," Vanellope deadpans.

Ayisha smirks. "How about Vanella?"

Vanellope shrinks under her seductive gaze. "Stop."

I chuckle and turn back to Ayisha, lowering my voice. "Have you thought about-"

Her eyes widen and she slaps her hand over my mouth.

The hell? That hurt.

"Not here," She whispers simply, I nod and removes her hand from my mouth. That was a bit stupid of me.

"Get out of my seat," Someone growls venomously.

Most of the females in the room turn to the point of commotion. There are two tables in the dining room. And both tables are equally filled, only having a few vacant seats. There are big windows on the wall, supplying light to the room. There are also double doors. There is a also a crystal chandelier on the high ceiling and there are paintings around the room and a big clock.

On the other end of our table, a defiant girl sits by a vacant space and two girls stand behind her - a blonde and a brunette. The brunette is the one who spoke and her face is scrunched up angrily, the blonde seems bored of the situation and ready to sit her ass down, but the girl in the seat doesn't want to move. Then again, I never knew seats were assigned to people.

"No," The girl sitting down says though she looks a little scared and a few girls sitting on the other table gasp and my brows furrow.

Are they dangerous? They seem harmless.

"I won't say it twice, get up before I move you," The brunette threatens.

"Circe, that's not necessary," A girl from the other table says, standing up.

"Move me," The girl sitting down says stubbornly, squinting her eyes.

Circe stares at the girl for a second then she smiles - no smirks. "Okay," I barely hear her mumble.

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