21~ Her resistance

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All students quiet down as Commander Link strides on the stage, his composure screaming confidence.

Vanellope eyes quint at him with such hate, I'm surprised he doesn't notice.

"Good evening students," His voice booms confidently. "It's been very peaceful these past few days, both at the dorms and at school. Are you all enjoying your stay?"

His question comes out as a statement and students all keep quiet as we wait for him to continue.

He sighs in exasperation. "That was a question, you were supposed to answer it."

"Oh," Most students mutter and nods and positive replies ripple through the crowd as a proud smile overtakes Commander Link's face.

"Perfect," His smile widens, exposing his perfect teeth. "Anyway I shall now inform you all why we are gathered here today."

"Like you haven't wasted enough of our time already," Vanellope says, rolling her eyes causing Loraly and I to snicker.

What put her in a bad mood?

"As all of you must know, tomorrow you will begin your physical training," He begins. "which I will have you know is very different from your academic activities," He takes a dramatic pause.

"Now, I would like you students to separate into groups of two. On my right hand, students with wolves should stand and on my left hand, students without wolves should stand."

At his command, students including me and my friends begin to move around, majority of the students standing on his right hand. Only a small percentage of students stood on his left hand; the students without wolves.

None of them are brought from the human world, all of them are from here. I recognized some of them from high school. They are either students who have always been passionate about being here or students who were forced to come here.

They are usually castigated by other teens due to the fact that they lack wolves which isn't even their fault.

In Rebellion's plot to end werewolf race, apart from wiping out packs, imprisoning wolves and separating wolves, they also kidnap humans and force them to mate with wolves here in Rebellion.

When these wolves mate with humans, most of their offspring becomes recessive causing most of them to be without wolves.

Of course, not all of them become wolf less. Some are still lucky enough to have wolves. Rebellion then mates those offspring with more humans and kills the werewolf gene making either wolfless but with advanced senses or totally human.

Most of these families are then sent into the human world to act as humans, never telling their children about the wolf existence.

They only return for very important meetings or other things. Most families don't want to come back because they want to be free from the supernatural world.

Some families stay here and they are used to mate with wolves or their children work hard to join the Rebel army.

It makes sense why they don't allow mates to be together. Mates were created to continue werewolf existence. Allowing mates to mate would make wolves stronger but their pups would be mostly wolf, even if one of the mates is human.

Vanellope nudges my arm and I jolt from my thoughts.

"You zoned off," She says sounding bored and tired.

"Yeah," I chuckle, shaking my head.

"Linkie is talking," She says, gesturing to to Commander Link.

"Don't let people hear you call him that," I say, snickering a little.

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