A/N (‼️read all of it‼️)

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Hey yallll how y'all been? Genuinely.

I just wanted to say thank you for the love that you've shown through both books and how grateful I am for that.

But I noticed that as the chapters go on and intensify, the comments seem to decrease. Now I don't write for votes but I do enjoy the comments. It lets me know how you're feeling about the book and it tells me what directions to go in.

I don't write for me, I write for you guys and I have so much content stored up for you guys but I'm afraid y'all won't be rocking with it because I can't see what you all think😕 And trust me I really wanna drop these chapters because they only get more and more juicy but I'm not feeling the hype🥴

I want y'all to love it just as much as me and if you don't love it, I wanna hear about that too. Let it all out on this colorful screen of words. Because if I see nobody likes what I produce than I just simply won't post it or delete it. I literally look forward to seeing y'all comments everyday. E V E R Y D A Y.

And I thank you for getting this far and it only gets more exciting the farther we go, but y'all gotta stay wimmie.

So I'm giving y'all the opportunity now to preach your thoughts about the whole book thus far. What you like, what you hate, what you want to happen, what you think gone happen. Even if it's just to talk about how fine Mikey is😭😂 what ever, I just wanna hear what y'all have to say so I know I'm not alone.

I love you guys lots. I this book is how we all connect.

So plz don't forget to comment and vote🖤

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