Stage 15 (The Verdict)

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Zeena's Pov

"And I just had no idea that my baby was gonna turn out like this

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"And I just had no idea that my baby was gonna turn out like this." My mother cries sitting next to the judge. I roll my eyes as the bailiff gives her some tissues as she sniffles.

"Right, I'm sorry you had to witness this horrible transition Mrs. Charles." The judge says sympathetically and I turn my head towards our family lawyer heavily annoyed. "Is she deadass?" I ask him lowly and he sighs giving me a pointed look.

"Alright now, let's call our last witness to the stand. Zeena Charles, sister of the suspect and victim of one of the taunts." The judge reads off and I sigh getting up from my seat.

I look back at Cece who was sitting with the rest of the family. She gives me and encouraging look and I take another breath fixing my blazer and walking towards the podium.

I step onto the podium placing my hand on the Bible as the Bailiff looks me in the eye sternly. "Do you solemnly swear that you will tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God?" He asks and I nod my head at him. "I do." I say and I sit down as he walks away.

I look over at Wes who was sitting on his side in his suit and tie and separate lawyer. His crazy eyes weren't moving away from mine but I chose to make the first move.

"So ms. Charles it says here that he broke into your home and held you at gun point, threatening you to drive him to the Mexican border. Is that true?" The judge asks putting on her glasses and I nod my head looking up at her. "Yes, your honor."

"Tell me about that. Start after he broke into your home." She requests and I take a breath ready to quote my scripted story. "Well after nursing him back to health, all of us were held captive for three night straight just in different places. One night I was awoken out of my sleep with his hands around my neck, he just looked like an entirely different person." I pause as the judge takes notes.

Wes's lawyer stands up and approaches the bench. "So, Ms. Charles were you the only girl out of the five that stayed at the house?" He asks me referring to Cece, Sarah, Skai, and Indiah who was sitting behind my mother and lawyer.

"Yes, or so I thought. It wasn't until I was released from the hospital that I found out that they were locked up in our own garage." I explain easily ignoring the camera that were rolling in the court room.

He nods his head and puts his hand on the podium. "So how did he break in the house in the first place? I'm sure you have a tight security system being a Charles and all." He asks spitefully and I try hard to refrain from rolling my eyes.

"I'm not my father, I don't have three security men in every room. Plus it was late at night, a troubled man like Wes could easily overpower 5 scared girls." I tell him in which he leaves alone and walks over to his briefcase.

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