Chapter 111

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Third POV

So, Sirius, James, Lily, Severus, Frank, Alice, Pandora, and Crowley were all graduating. Abraxas and Luna had been pulled over by Nik, "CanImarryyourdaughter?" he said rather quickly. "In English please," Abraxas responded while Luna gave him a big smile, of course she knew what he had just said.

"Can I marry your daughter?" he asked again, a lot slower.

"Yes," Abraxas said, in a higher pitched tone that was so not because Luna was digging her nails into his side. Nik gave them a smile and left.

James and Lily were slouched into each other, waiting for the last day, they already had one agreement, it was the first agreement they had when they first brought it up, it was about a couple months after they officially started dating in this timeline. "No Godric's Hollow," they had agreed. James had taken Lily to a few different Potter Manors, and Lily took James to a few different Slytherin Manors. They had one that they agreed on would be there house, it was a Potter Manor, but they had privacy, lots of privacy. Privacy was one thing they appreciated this time around, they had seen Dahlia had appreciated it too when she walked off by herself to have alone time.

The graduating group may or may not have made it so the room next to Filch's office exploded. They learned their lesson the first timeline and knew when to not go too far. So, the first thought was the room next to his, not his actual office, no matter how much they didn't like the squib or his cat. He loves his cat and they wouldn't ruin his stuff. It didn't mean they liked the man, he was grouchy about working there but whenever Tom brought up him leaving, he still refused.

Crowley had a new Gaunt Manor built for him and Bianca. It would be a bit weird having two fifteen year olds running around in a Manor, Nico had come along and got his own wing. Severus would go and get Potions Master title again and for the time being, there was a small Prince property near there. Frank and Alice had picked another highly protected Longbottom Manor. They, like Lily and James, refused to go back to the same house they were in before, they also refused to be near Frank's stepmother after finding out how she had treated Neville. Frank's sister Fern had agreed with Frank. Sirius did get his own property, he actually claimed the one in Beacon Hills the Blacks had. Bellatrix felt a little stupid on why she didn't think of it. For now, Sirius stayed with his parents until Regulus and Lyra graduated.

After graduation happened and the new graduates were celebrating, Pandora got a letter; she opened it, 'Astronomy Tower,' it said. She went up the stairs, wondering if that was where Nik went and got to the Astronomy Tower. Of course she missed her grumbling father, and smiling mother. As she reached the top, she saw the sign in front of her, 'Will you marry me?' it read and at the end was Niklaus Mikaelson, the feared Original, down on one knee, with a ring. "YES!" she squealed and grabbed the Original into a really big kiss.

(A/N: Sorry, these have been getting shorter lately, I am having a slight bit of writer's block and it's causing me to make all these time skips)

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