Chapter 6

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Dorea POV

        It is safe to say that the Peverell sisters have put some doubt in the views about Dumbledore, sorry, Dumblewhore. In our first Transfiguration class with the Gryffindors, he started questioning the sisters for EVERY question. He gave no points to Slytherin when the girls got every question right, but gave Longbottom 20 points just for having his supplies. I had also noticed some Gryffindors watching and starting to talk to more Slytherin's in a more friendly way and apologizing about Dumblewhore because they don't like what he's doing to the sisters either. The two houses started to have a mutual agreement with each other to try to get along better. The muggleborns quietly spread around why the purebloods truly did not like them. They were shocked the biggest reasons was the pureblood traditions were being taken away and forbidden to do and being replaced with the muggle holidays. All this started had started with that one class. After being asked the tenth question in a row, Dahlia spoke up, with her now red hair surprising a few people that she's a metamorphmagus, from her seat beside Orion, "Professor, why do you keep questioning my sister and I? Are you wanting to prove us to be stupid, or do you really have some sick fascination with us?" After that the goat had gotten brighten red in the face and spoke with not very well hidden anger, "Now, now, my girl--" 

        "And even that, calling us your girls, like we are related to you, like we know, you, like we belong to you. It's creepy," Luna, who was next to me, interrupted him quickly before her sister said anything, we all know the Black's and the Potter's have the worst tempers, imagine the temper from someone who has both. I could see where she definitely had James' temper. He would always be quiet and stone faced when angry and you couldn't tell unless you really knew him. Orion grabbed Dahlia's hand and her hair slowly was starting to turn back to black.

        Dumbles, who's face is still a tomato screamed, "100 POINTS FROM SLYTHERIN MISS PEVERELL AMD DETENTION FOR TWO WEEKS FOR YOU AND YOUR SISTER!" I saw pissed off Slytherin's knowing there anger is directed towards Dumblewhore for the unfair point withdrawal and for how he is acting towards the sisters. I even saw many Gryffindors looking disgusted and mad at him too.

        When class ended, Charlus had gone up to me, "Miss Black, 20 points from Slytherin," That's when even more Gryffindors saw through him. Longbottom had been nice to enough to hold the door for both houses and everyone gave him there silent thanks, "Mister Longbottom 60 points for Gryffindor for holding the door," was heard by everyone in the class. The mutual agreement had started when Longbottom shook his head as he closed the door and muttered though from all the quietness we heard it, "That's messed up". and people agreed. Another spoke, "Yeah he should've given Slytherin points," which everyone also agreed, thus the silent agreement began that made its way to the rest of the students that included Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw since it involved the Ladies of there houses. Some Gryffindors had gone up to Slughorn and Dippet the next day and said there house mutually felt it was unfair about the points and that they wanted to take the whole 80 Gryffindor had gotten and gave it to Slytherin, our house had been shocked to see the point change. Slughorn walked up the sisters and told them, "Headmaster Dippet and I removed your detentions the Gryffindors explained what happened and I know your not comfortable with him," he turned to the rest of the table, "If he targets any of you, let me or the Headmaster know, okay?" the Slytherin's nodded. So Slughorn left to get his class ready. 

        When we had our first potions class with the Ravenclaws, just like Transfiguration, I sat with Luna, and Dahlia satwith Orion, with Walburga, who was paired with Eileen Prince, sat behind Dahlia. When we were making a fever reducing potion as a review, I saw Luna freeze and looked more dazed than usual. Luna wrote a note that said, "Dahlia and Dorea have to get out there seats when Walbitcha gets up and Orion has to take his hands off the table. Walbitcha is going try to dump her potion on Dahlia." Thats when I remembered what happens when you touch this potion. While consuming it reduces a fever, when it touches your skin it does the opposite it burns you up internally and on top of that we have to turn the potion in while still scolding hot. 

        It had gotten to the point that the potions were finishing when Walbu-itcha had gotten up and was about to turn and throw when Dahlia and I were up and out of our seats, Dahlia was next to Orion who's hands were up and I was at the end of our table. "What happened here?" Slughorn demanded showing his anger. He is one of those who rarely gets angry so it was a bit surprising to some. "Peverell tripped me!" Walbitcha screeched.

        "No she didn't," Eileen spoke, shocking many because she is usually quiet. "Can you elaborate Ms. Prince?" Slughorn asked. "She had been glaring at PEverell behind her and muttering how she's going to hurt her and that she took her title away. When we finished she glared behind her again and then looked like she had an idea when she looked back at the cauldron. She demanded to take the cauldron even though I told her we had to put it in vials. Then she did that," Walbitcha went pale not knowing she had been heard as a Ravenclaw pair had admitted they heard it too. Knowing that Dahlia is Lady Ravenclaw had the Ravenclaw's mad at what Walburga was going to do. "Walburga Black, you will have detention for three months with me four days a week after dinner now LEAVE!" we jumped at that last bit after he announced the detentions as Walbitcha scurried out. Slughorn took a breath before turning to us, "Are you three alright?" we nodded, "Ms. Pince, I will give you a passing grade I know the potion was well done, and 20 points to both Slytherin and Ravenclaw. After class we met with Tom and Abraxas, who like us were going back to the dorms. Although Orion had noticed Dahlia had spotted something we couldn't see. We didn't know the ghost was a man in green robes and platinum blonde hair wandering the dungeons.

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