Chapter 20

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Third POV

        "Welcome everyone, today we are here for the trial of Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore. Before we begin, do we have any claiming seats," the minister began. Lord Potter was the first to raise his wand. Other people looked surprised as this was somebody already sworn in. He stood up, "I, Fleamont Potter, Lord of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Potter, have been declared proxy for the Most Noble and Most Ancient Houses of Gryffindor and Slytherin and the Noble and Most Ancient House of Gaunt, until the rightful Head is of age, so mote it be," his wand lit up and so did the Gaunt, Slytherin, and Gryffindor seats. Fleamont looked around to see Tom was in fact right, the faces were worthy of a patronus. "Anybody else?" the minister asked after the stunned silence. Lord Black then raised his wand, stunning even more people, he stood up, "I, Arcturus Black, Lord of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Black, have been declared proxy for the Most Noble and Most Ancient Houses of Ravenclaw and Peverell until the rightful Head is of age, so mote it be," his wand lit up as the Ravenclaw and Peverell seats also did. Lord Malfoy also stood up and the poor people seemed as if they would pass out as he declared proxy for the Hufflepuff seat. It was at this moment, Dumbledick knew, he royally fucked up.

            "Now what is the accused here for," the minister started the trial. "Poisoning students with potions to make them obey, to not like the Slytherin House, to bully the Slytherin House, for the Slytherin House to go Dark and to isolate them, for everyone to think the Slytherin House is evil, attempts at Line theft, Line Theft, has stolen from Vaults, lied to muggleborns about their lineage, neglecting children, putting children in harms way, and has also been accused of working and actually being lovers with Gellert Grindewald. All of this has proof." Everyone had been stunned in silence. That was actually worse than what a Dark Lord would do. 

            "Who is our first witness?" the minister spoke from stunned silence. "Mr. Tom Riddle also known as Heir Slytherin and Gaunt," as he was announced a tall male who looked 16 walked in and sat in his seat. "What do you have evidence against the accused," he was asked.

            "I have evidence against child neglect, putting children in harm's way, attempted Line Theft and Robbery, and lying about lineage," he announced. The minister nodded for him to begin, "I was placed in a muggle orphanage by my mother, Merope Gaunt. She had been forced into a "Relationship" with Tom Riddle Sr., my father. She had found out she was with child and tried to get help as she was sick and was almost a squib as most of her magic went into protecting me. I know at one point she had found Dumbledore and tried to get help, but he refused as she was a descendant of Slytherin. So she found a muggle orphanage and placed me there with a charm that would only allow somebody who would protect me and that I could trust. I found out a little bit ago, she had mysteriously died two months after I was taken in and that Dumbledore had met my mother who could not defend herself from Legilimency. This woman had no signs of how she died; she was only 50 years old, it could not been from old age. When I found that out I had thought of the killing curse," there were some gasps, "As I grew up, I was bullied because I was different and I was quiet, I was also neglected. Dumbledore was the one who found me, did not tell me I was halfblood, did not tell me I was a descendant of a Hogwarts Founder, he just made me feel like a freak because I admitted I could talk to snakes. So I ended up being an outcast in Slytherin until some people came in befriended me and I soon found out about my heritage. Every summer I had tried to get to Headmaster Dippet or even Professor Slughorn to see if there was a way I could go somewhere else, but Dumbledore always intercepted. It was like I was the bad guy; that people should be afraid of me because of what I did at that orphanage..."

            "What did you do?"

          "He thought I was evil like the Slytherin name had developed because my accidental magic became defensive. When I was seven a boy who was around twelve and twice my size had beat me up before a felt something fly out of me and next thing I knew the boy was falling down the stairs and he broke his neck. Dumbledore made me feel like I did it intentionally when really it was accidental," many people nodded in agreement, "Now when I had eventually got my Inheritance test, as advice from a friend, I had found that my father had in fact been a descendant of another pureblood line. I had also found many compulsions and potions on me to isolate myself from everyone and basically to be a Dark Lord. Yes, I am Dark, not evil, there is a difference, yes, I things I want to change about the Wizarding World like open an orphanage for orphaned children, not take over the Wizarding world. My final piece of evidence is he tried to plant the idea of making a horcrux," the darker families gasped along with a few neutral. "Those who don't know what that is, it's when you split your soul into an item, in order to do that, you have to kill someone. One night he had actually put the Imperious curse on me, not knowing I had my Slytherin Heirship Ring that protects me against that and I thankfully had access to a seer, who I am not revealing, who warned me it was coming. I had followed pretending to be under it as somebody else followed him, to find Myrtle Warren, a muggleborn Ravenclaw, he also wanted me to command the basilisk, yes, there is a basilisk, who is actually supposed to protect students, not harm. So I had commanded her to keep her second eyelids down so she wouldn't kill or petrify. Long story short, Myrtle had been stunned, she knew about this ahead of time too, and so did Dumbledore, we woke up Myrtle and got out of there." He finished his story and the people were just stunned, as the goat seemed to be trying to figure out how to get out of this.

        "Thank you, Mr. Riddle, you may leave. Now, who's next," the minister said.

        "Our next witness is Dahlia Peverell"

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