Chapter 106

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Third POV

Lucius would gladly openly admit that he was nervous. He stood in front Orion Black's office trying to encourage himself to raise his hand and knock on the door, "Are you coming in or not, Lucius?" he heard. While he admits he was nervous, he was not willing to admit that he jumped about ten feet high. Lucius opened the door and felt more nervous at the sight of Dahlia Black there too, "Yes?" they both asked with equal smirks. Lucius silently groaned, they knew exactly what he was there for, and they were enjoying it.

"I-I was h-hoping to g-get your perm-mission to marry Narcissa," Lucius managed to get out. Frankly all of the parents had been happy that their children are willing to ask the parents (or in Rebekah's case, brothers) of their significant other these things. Lucius wanted to get the question out of the way right at the moment, knowing Sirius was going to have his inheritance within the next few weeks and from the stories he heard from Dorea and Dahlia, Orion had a temper, but Dahlia had a worse temper that Sirius had gained. He wanted to ask the question before a new Green-flamed Ghost Rider came around, followed by a blue-flammed one afterwards.

"I wanna see the ring," Dahlia stated, knocking him out of his thoughts. He pulled out the ring he brought with him and showed it. He knew Narcissa didn't really care for the ring last time, he hadn't gotten to know her for very long, before he was forced to find a ring, not knowing what she preferred. This time, he knew she was classy, she preferred classy and simple. So, when he was finding a ring, he found a ring with a simple band and a decent sized diamond. Dahlia and Orion both smiled in approval and gave him the go-ahead to propose.

Soon after he left, the Prewitt twins and Rebekah arrived with their newest addition, Charlie. Charlie had just gotten his memories, and had ran to his older brother, "We have new parents and Dahlia and Luna back in time?!"

"Yes, Arthur is still good, he's willing to give up the children for us to have a better life because he can't escape Molly, our new dads are Fabian and Gideon who were our uncles before. Our new mom is an Original Vampire," Bill explained.


"I take it I was just mentioned?" Rebekah asked from the door way, both twins behind her. Charlie already had the urge to call her 'mom'. "So you blood adopted us?" he asked.

"Yes, and as I blood adopted you as a vampire, all I know fully right off hand is your senses will be stronger and you would be more athletic. You already had a hidden creature inheritance anyway that might add on to that," Rebekah explained.

"Now do—"

"You want—"

"To see—"

"Dahlia or—"


"YES" Charlie shouted and next thing they knew they were in the Peverell-Black manor. Bill was explaining that Dahlia married Orion Black, and became the new mother to Sirius Black. Also that Luna married Abraxas Malfoy, becoming the new mother to Lucius Malfoy. He was still stunned when he saw a woman with black hair, pale skin, and noticeable green eyes show up followed by an older looking, short haired Sirius. He had already met Sirius before he had received his memories again, he met Regulus too and he was curious as to why his eyes were really familiar to him, now he knew why.

"Hi Charlie," she said. He had launched himself at the woman's leg in excitement.

"Hi Dahlia," he responded.

Right before they could continue, five male voices sounded out, "REBEKAH!" startling the blonde.

"Those would be the other Originals, aka our uncles, the youngest Henrik, is also our blood adopted cousin," Bill said next to his brother as they heard, "WHAT THE BLOODY HELL DO YOU WANT?" come from their mother as five males came into the room, "We just wanted to see our new nephew," Kol had said with an "innocent" smile. Rebekah rolled her eyes as Charlie was introduced to his uncles, making sure to mention he did have an Aunt Freya who had been away working on her magic at this point. Rebekah was then pulling Dahlia aside, wanting an opinion on her wedding dress. Aphrodite had offered to make the dress, but wanted Rebekah to give her opinion on what she wants, but she's a bit indecisive. She knew for sure that she would have a strapless dress, she liked the strapless dresses and it had been the first thing that the others had said when she asked their opinion. She had also clearly stated that she wanted to be married before Percy Weasley was born, so she had about two more years, not like she was going to wait that long anyway. Sirius, Regulus and Lyra came down too, hearing the Mikaelson's and arriving Prewetts. Andromeda had already quickly gone down the stairs, hearing Elijah, and Bellatrix followed right after, she was just bored.

All conversations were interrupted by the crack of apparition and Narcissa had appeared squealing and wearing a really big smile. "Went well I take it?" Orion asked sarcastically as the blonde threw herself at her parents. Her siblings looked confused, "Well Lucius showed up to us, very nervous, it was quite entertaining, and asked if he could marry Narcissa. It started out as an arranged marriage last time that was suddenly made due to soul mate bond, he wanted to do it right this time," Dahlia said.

Narcissa was then snatched by her three sisters as they wanted to see the ring, "We think he also wanted to ask before another temperamental green flamed Ghost Rider appeared," Orion said quietly to his oldest birth child who couldn't contain the smirk he had on his face.

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