Chapter 57

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(A/n: Since it seems I have hit 50 thousand views, which by the way THANK YOU, I thought I would put up a chapter earlier than intended)

Dahlia POV

I was setting up for Nico's ritual to control his age while Kol was with me looking on in fascination. Since finding out I could restore his magic, Kol has been wanting to know more, while Finn has been coming around to the idea again. I think he has just been surprised finding out I could give him back his magic while his brother was flat out excited and wanted to learn everything, not caring if he has time. Nico came in for his ritual with his sister following behind him with a pain reliever for the lovely headache he is going to get.

"Have you been practicing Occlumency?" I asked Nico. He nodded, "Yes I know where to look for the lock now," he said as he lay down in the middle of the setup. I started the chant and saw how his face was cringing up in pain like his sister's had done and soon I sensed the Peverell magic he developed act up and finished it. "Okay find that spot," I told him.

"Found it,"

"Okay like your sister make yourself ten," he did as I ask. "Now go back to fifteen and lock it and then get out," he soon opened his eyes afterwards. "That felt weird," he stated while his sister was nodding as to say she knew what he was talking about.

A month later had Henrik getting ready for his creature inheritance. He had been reconnecting with his siblings and even taking them to places we took him. Orion, Damon, the Mikaelsons and I stayed up for his inheritance. I had put a barrier on the girls doors just in case. When the time had come, Henrik's eyes had rolled back as he fell over and I could tell he had just died. Tom had warned the other's what will happen with Henrik's inheritance so they were prepared. I saw Henrik's spirit looking at his own body with a funny look on his face, I had to turn my head and press it against Orion's shoulder as I didn't want to offend one of the siblings. Soon I saw him get pulled back into his body as he gasped for breath, flashing his heretic face. "Dungeons," was all Orion said before Henrik had sped off to that location. About five minutes later, he came back up with a sheepish look on his face, "I may have set the body on fire. The house put it out," Orion and I were amused while his siblings were confused as they had slightly forgotten the house is sentient.

During one of our breaks from teaching, also known as 'we felt like being lazy and decided to visit people instead of doing our actual jobs of teaching' kind of break, and took Damon with us as we were going to go see Jasper. We met up with Peter and Charlotte in a restaurant and they got introduced to Damon. Peter had mentioned he had already called Jasper and would be there soon. We had ordered our food and getting something for Jasper, knowing he really missed his human food right now. About ten minutes later, Peter said he was in a private area, so I took down his glamour and he came running in and immediately had recognized Damon. They got reacquainted and Jasper got to vent out all his frustration with the Cullen's. "Jasper, I do need you to watch over someone else when you see Angela," I spoke.

He looked interested, "Oh?"

"Yes you get to work on your sneaking around skills as this person is Charlie Swan," Orion said. Jasper's eyes had widened but he did like Charlie and thought it was unfair how Bella treated him, if he was supposed to watch over him, that meant he was going to be a part of the family. "What is he going to be?" Damon asked.

"A demon," I bluntly stated. They all just nodded, going along with it and continued our meals before leaving.

The next day we went and met with Eileen, who already looked rather beat up. We looked at her in sympathy which she didn't notice. We had quickly hidden it when she looked up. "Okay, I know you want Severus to be born, but what if we took care of Tobias when you get pregnant," Eileen looked at me in confusion.

"I have a feeling he is going to do something to set off a pair of ghost riders more than he would now, and I actually want you to live, we all do," from the tears she had in her eyes, we knew Tobias was being too much, she nodded with what Orion said and wanted us to deal with Tobias when that moment came. I pulled her to me as she began crying, "Hey, what if I told you do have a soul mate and can become part of the family?" her head jerked up and, "Seriously?" she sniffled.

I nodded, "Yes his name is Charlie Swan and Jasper is to watch over him, he will have a daughter that treats him like shit when she finally goes to live with him because of her obsession with Cold Ones," she scrunched her nose up at the mention of Cold Ones. Personally, I only liked the Volturi, I helped solve the issue between Marcus and Aro, also known as Didyme. I had brought her back alive (well still undead), and Aro would have been bawling his eyes out if he could. I knew he felt guilty after killing his sister and it hurt him to see Marcus like that, so when I had confronted him, I told him that I would bring Didyme back if he told Marcus what he did. He lost both arms and legs and Caius managed to stop Marcus from taking Aro's head off. Marcus had calmed down when I had appeared with Didyme next to me. I gave them some human characteristics that traditional vampires also had and they got the same glamour Jasper kept on. They liked ruling over the Cold Ones and would continue to do so as they didn't want the Mikaelson's to feel like they were challenging them. Safe to say, the Mikaelson's grew to like them too and agreed to work with them in alliance.

"And he will also be a demon and not a human. His daughter isn't getting shit from him," I told her making her snort, she managed to relax some before she had to go back to Tobias. We gave her one of the mirrors to use so she can talk to any of us, if she needed to which she was thankful for and left.

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