Chapter 95

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Third POV

All the children got settled in before Sirius and James had dragged Frank, while Lily grabbed Alice and went up to the near the Runes classroom where Orion and Dahlia stayed. Sirius had walked in and got taken down by Regulus and Lyra, "Siri!" came from them both while James had suddenly fallen forward, feeling his two sisters pile onto him, "Hi Jamesy!" and giggled hearing a groan from below them.

There parents all watched on with the Mikaelson's. As soon as Jade got done tackling her brother, she looked up and saw them, "Kol!" she ran over to him. The Slytherin part of the group came in, or more like Pandora sped in and straight into Niklaus, somehow knowing he was there, but that didn't surprise anyone. Andromeda went straight to Elijah and plopped herself down right next to him, while Rabastan went for Katherine. Victoria had already been there and sat with Damon while Crowley watched sadly, wishing Bianca was there. He lit up when he felt a tap and saw her there in her eleven year old form.

Frank and Alice got introduced to everyone and were filled in on things, "I knew that was Dumbledore I saw," Alice said. Everyone looked at her, alarmed. "There was an old skinny man around my father's shop and he tried to talk to me but my dad yelled at him and he scurried away, he was going to try to put a compulsion on me, I didn't trust him, and my dad had immediately recognized him and called for the aurors," she explained. "I think I saw him too, before my mother got to him, we had wards set up so he couldn't get in anyway," fRank added.

"Frank have you gotten your Heirship ring?" Orion asked. The boy nodded and showed his ring, "I got it just before I got here," he said.

"What about you, Alice?" Luna asked. Alice had held up hers, "As soon as that run in with Dumbledore happened."

"Just Albus or Aldick, whichever, he got disowned and Aberforth doesn't like it when people still call him by his ex-last name," Dahlia said.

The two kids nodded, "So don't trust Remus or Peter?" Frank asked.

"Yes, Remus believes himself to be a monster, but that was what he was taught by his father, Fenrir Greyback had attacked them because Remus' father likes to experiment on werewolves, he had taken children from Fenrir's pack, he was getting revenge," Dahlia explained and Frank and Alice looked on in horror. "Fenrir is good this time around we talk to him on occasion, sometimes his pack hangs around our properties making sure to leave before the full moon of course," Tom explained. Frank and Alice had taken to him, Bellatrix, and the Lestranges rather quickly surprisingly.

"Fenrir had also blackballed Remus from any chance of joining a pack. Remus believes himself to be a monster and that potion that Severus would make him was actually killing his wolf so he would have control over his wolf during the full moon, he would have gotten the same affect if he fully accepted his wolf. His father didn't know that of course since he's only been taking the pups," Dahlia explained. "Peter on the other hand, is just t a no good rat that it would not look good on my part if I went and ripped a child's head off," she added with both James and Lily agreeing.

"He was the actual secret keeper," Sirius said seeing their friends confusion. "I knew something was up with that," Frank said. They had both realized the Potter's had did something but they never knew afterwards, they could still hear everything, from the Potter's being announced dead other than wondering about Dahlia, to Sirius being arrested, which worried Alice to no end because Dahlia would have gone to her then, to Neville's pleas for them to wake up.

"It's weird about certain people this time around, no offense, but Severus is definitely on of them," Frank said. "None taken, was raised by mother instead of my father," the boy said. Eileen smiled as she knew she raised her son to be better than last time.

"Marlene McKinnon is another," Alice said. Lily nodded with a straight face, "She heard my last name and sneered, clearly forgetting what the Headmasters last name is," she said. Frank and Alice caught up more with James, Lily, and Sirius before talking more with new people and going up to Bellatrix and the Lestranges and said they forgave them as they can tell they were different and saner this time around. Alice even complemented Nagini, she thought she was pretty, especially after Lily told her about her blood adoption and a lot of features came more from Nagini.

Everyone had gone to bed after Charlus and Nagini gave out there schedules so they could have it early. Since Tom took over as Headmaster, he couldn't be head of Slytherin anymore so his wife had stepped in. she got along well with Slughorn and he gladly helped her get used to the extra work, it helped that their classrooms were next to each other as they were both potions professors. 

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