Chapter 110

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Third POV

Regulus had started laughing insanely when it struck midnight on his 16th birthday. He kept going and those who were not his sisters, mother, or a Ghost Rider, left. The only one that was not there had been Bellatrix who had been in America making sure they all would be able to use their magic once they got there. It was easy in the 60s when Dahlia and Orion met the Hargreeves, and it was easy to pass undetected when doing Underworld business, but it was a precaution. That and she was trying to track down where her mate was. Dahlia and Luna may or may not have told Bellatrix that later down the line; her mate would have a relative that would be Regulus' mate. Actually, all of Dahlia and Orion's birth children had mates where Bellatrix's mate was.

Anywhoo, back to Regulus, who was on his way out in his Ghost Rider form and made his way to doing his first hunt, occasionally passing by his brother and father while the Blue Riders, Charlus and James were hunting in America. He knew he could ask his mother about his mate, but he had the same logic as his brother, they both had a feeling it would take a while and they saw how Bellatrix had acted and how she was trying to track hers down and they decided to wait.

Jane's inheritance came the next week, like the other banshee/sirens, she had passed out and her heart stopped before coming back and she ate some random guy that was on a Rider's list. Dahlia and Luna did not like who her mate was, well Dahlia had a grudge and Luna kinda scrunched her nose up.

Lucius refused to watch his other sister throw herself at a man, even if she was gonna drain him of his energy. He ignored it with Pandora too, he knew it was there instinct going nuts, but he wanted to beat the guy to a pulp. Of course that didn't stop Niklaus, he killed the guy Pandora drained before Pandora threw herself at Niklaus, although she was upset that Niklaus still wouldn't go along the lines of sex with her yet. She was still not legal, but she was, in fact, counting down the days until she was 18. This happened to be the same thing with Damon and Victoria. Damon took Victoria out to drain her first person, he killed said person, got an arm full of Victoria, but he wouldn't let it go farther. The sisters understood, they knew the vampires promised their dad, and knew it was partly their instincts, but that didn't mean they couldn't be disappointed about it.

Ruby Slytherin-Gaunt wanted to scare some people. She admittedly had been around her Aunt Dahlia too much when she along with her three youngest children liked to scare people. She had figured out how to get into her animagus form and become bigger as her mother had figured out she could change the size of her snake form.

Shortly after Ruby's inheritance, came Narcissa and Lucius' wedding. Narcissa got to have her ideal wedding this time around, and not have to hide because of her husband being a Death Eater. She had told Aphrodite that she wanted a simple, elegant, and long sleeved dress. The goddess did pull through the first time as Narcissa just so happened to forget to mention what kind of dress she wanted and went with a form fitting, small train dress. She had her hair pulled into a low bun and a pair of earrings. She thought it was funny that she looks like the opposite of her siblings and parents because they were more into the darker colors, while she, like the Malfoy's favored the lighter colors. Maybe her blonde hair was telling her something?

Orion had guided her down the aisle to Lucius and joined his wife at the seats; Orion was being teased by his wife by how much he didn't like the first of his daughters getting married. He knew Elijah would ask soon, the nervous glances he gave him and his wife is what told him that. The newlyweds were also being teased as they went off about getting pregnant so early which made Dahlia cringe again while this time Luna gave her an amused smirk.

Narcissa's Dress:

Narcissa's Dress:

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