Chapter 80

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Niklaus POV

I went up to Dahlia with Damon and told her, "I found Katerina," which quickly got her attention. She happened to be in Britain at the time so we quickly had messaged her, knowing she would actually would show up as she was receiving some memories and knowing her like I do, she would be showing up for answers. We arrived at a private area at a park that Dahlia found the previous night when she screamed for somebody's upcoming death nearby. She had been smoking her herb mix and talking about Klaus as I was honestly curious about who I would share a name with, although I don't use the name much anymore. She mentioned that she had to go back to Texas soon as both Diego and Vanya had made their appearances there. She had left a note for Diego to not interfere with the history as much as he really wanted to as it would mess up a lot more than he thought. Vanya had been given something to help restore their memories and gave them a space to practice controlling their power.

Then I saw Katerina come over looking highly confused, even more so to the fact I was sitting with Damon Salvatore. "Okay, I'm going to get straight to the point. The memories you had seen were from a previous timeline, most of what you did last time happened again. Some things came up when we were turned such as also gaining our memories and that our littlest brother had actually been put into a sleep that did not age him either, which Dahlia here along with her husband raised after he was woken. My siblings and I had to continue to make sure the significant events happened including you as the Salvatore's would have to be vampires. We were also told that we would have soulmates so we stayed out of any kind of relationship until we met them because we were excited. I am telling you this because Dahlia here revealed you have one. Now keep in mind they are all rather young, but, you do have a soulmate, a chance to be truly happy. No I am not chasing you anymore, I only did to make sure you got to the Salvatore's that was it," I explained. I noticed her mask slowly come down after figuring out that I wasn't lying.

Katherine POV

I watched the three in front of me and was just thinking, 'I'm going to be free? I had actually been free all this time? I have a soul mate?' were all going through my head. I nodded to them as Klau-Sorry Niklaus held out his hand that I shook as an acquaintance had formed which hopefully became more, I had been alone for quite some time, it would be nice to have a family again. I had looked over at Damon who gave me a look and it was shown that he forgave her which she gave small smile too. "Okay, so you do have a soul mate who is already alive, he is ten years old right now, Nik and Damon both have their mates that's why Damon forgave you so easily, the other Mikaelson's have expressed their wishes to get to know you better than they did before, they all agreed they liked you better than Tatia and Elena," the woman, Dahlia had explained. "Now, unlike Rebekah, your soulmate's mother does not know about any of this so you can only really see him when he comes over or if you come with to the school when he starts next year," she continued.

When we got to the Peverell Manor I was introduced to the other adults and all the children. Oh my god the children were adorable. Niklaus and Damon went and collected to blonde girls that looked to be sisters who had knowing eyes to them, their mother Luna, had the same thing, which I found later was because they were seers. Pandora, Niklaus' mate, had a bit of innocence to her that also had a 'don't piss me off or I will be your worst nightmare' aura to her. I thought she was perfect for the Original as he struck me as the type that would be more drawn more to somebody who is his opposite but has a backbone to her. Victoria on the other hand seemed like she didn't really care, kind of like Damon, you don't quite now what he's thinking, or if he's acting. I had also quickly wanted in on the torture Soon-to-be-Deadbitcha would be experiencing soon.

I also got to briefly meet Jasper, Peter, and Charlotte. Jasper was a complete gentleman and I knew whoever he was with would be treated like a queen (or king you never know) while I am already good friends with his brother Peter, we already started sassing each other the first time we met.

That was when the Prewett's and Lestrange brothers came soon after. I found that the twins would be pranksters rather quickly, they had already started to do so by transfiguring some items into small animals that ran around the school. According to their parents, the Twins had taken a big interest in magical creatures, and then it looked like Tom had a plan. When the Lestrange brothers came over, I was introduced to Rodolphus who I knew had a soulmate bond with Melinoe, the goddess of ghosts and nightmares. Then I made contact with the younger brother Rabastan, I tensed up and looked at Dahlia, Niklaus, and Damon who were smirking back at me. My mate had given me a highly adorable smile and I hugged him and had smiled brightly before getting to know him as much as I could right now.

Nina Dobrev as Katherine Pierce/Katerina Petrova

Nina Dobrev as Katherine Pierce/Katerina Petrova

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