Chapter 19

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Dahlia POV

        I was in my office going over paperwork to give to Arcturus involving certain upcoming topics *cough* Dumbledick *cough* *cough*. A snowy white owl came in and I had been briefly reminded of Hedwig, oh how I miss that bird. I took the letter from the bird and saw it had been addressed to Luna, Tom, and I, and that it was Armando. It read:

"Dear Luna, Dahlia, or Tom, (whoever reads this first),

        I knew you all lived together for now so I just made one letter for all of you. I thought now would be a good time to receive the rest of the portraits from Gringotts. I checked ahead of time and if you three along with Charlus come with me, you will have to take a quick blood test to prove you are doing this willingly. If you can meet me tomorrow afternoon that would be great and we can get the frames put up.

Armando Dippet, Headmaster of Hogwarts."

            I passed the letter off to Luna and Tom and they both agreed that we can meet tomorrow. I got my mirror out and called Charlus to see if he had received the letter. He did and was about to see if we could go tomorrow also, so I told him I would send the message to Armando since his owl was still here. I got out some parchment:


I have checked with all the others and they have agreed to come tomorrow and receive the other frames.

Dahlia Peverell, Lady of the Most Noble and Most Ancient Houses of Peverell and Ravenclaw."

*Time Skip*

        Tom, Luna, and I, flooed to Diagon Alley. "Grab Dahlia's arm and guide her. Its crowded, means more things we cannot see and she can," Luna told Tom cryptically. He understood and gently grabbed my arm. As I immediately looked down seeing how many slightly translucent people were around. I was guessing Charlus and Armando had already been there when I heard, "Is she alright?" from the Headmaster and "Was it to crowded?" from Charlus. I discreetly saw Luna nod to both questions before we walked in after greeting the guards who bowed back in respect, happy that more Wizards were showing respect. 

            We greeted the teller and Armando said, "Hello, we are supposed to have a meeting involving certain paintings," he hinted. The goblins eyes widened and turned to another teller, "Tell King Ragnarok his meeting his here," the other goblin ran off as Armando looked very confused. "It involves the Founders and Luna and I with our titles, that they know about, and we are friends of the goblins, Tom is too." I explained.

            We were led to the King goblins office and sat down, "Now, here's your needles, I know Tom does not need one, prick your fingers and a drop of blood goes on the parchment," we all did as was told and he was satisfied that we all were there willingly. "Okay, I will take you myself to the vaults as some of you do not have a key yet. 

            We rode all the way down, past many floors and came across the first vault, "First up Godric Gryffindors vault, Mr. Potter, it unlocks by blood, so do the others," he said. Charlus stepped forward and pricked his finger on the lion that appeared as he showed his Heir Ring. The doors opened and I had seen Godric's Ghost, "They're in the far back behind behind the armor, none of it is cursed or enchanted he should be fine," I reiterated the message and they all assumed why I knew where it was. Charlus had mentioned a lot of armor and I turned to Ragnarok, "Since I'm from the same line, would I be able to get in and help?"

            "You should be able to, try it," so I went up and pricked my finger and found I was able to get in. I went over and started helping Charlus. It sucked we couldn't use magic to move as we were underage (physically) and we did find out the armor could not affected by magic. We eventually got the frames out and into Charlus' bag Ragnorak had given us to help with fit the frames in without damaging them. We had found that some were actual portraits and some had just been frames for his spirit.

            Next had been the Hufflepuff Vault, where the blonde spirit had popped in and said, "If you do what you need to do to get in the Hufflepuff common room it will be found," Helga told me. I relayed the message to Luna who had been silently asking if I had any hints. She had found the barrels and did the pattern and found Helga's frames/portraits and left.

            Then it was the Ravenclaw vault, Rowena had shown up and explained they are in a hidden room behind a bookshelf triggered by a fake book. I started searching through the shelves until I found one that had a misspelled word and reached down (it was on the bottom shelf), and pulled it as it sunk back revealing the frames/portraits. I put them in my bag and left, trying not to get distracted by other books.

            Lastly, it was the Slytherin Vault, "I know you're mother has stuff in there for you, but you are only going in on special occasion so you cannot grab any of it," Ragnarok told Tom who nodded. He walked in before turning back to me as I turned to Salazar, "Back right corner, the doors will slide open with a Parseltongue word," I told Tom what he said. The room was rather tidy as a majority of his stuff had still been in the Chamber, I could tell he found Merope's stuff as he couldn't walk past it, but he eventually did. I heard him hiss "Open" and heard him grab the items before he left.

            Armando had apparated us into Hogwarts, after Charlus had also been made a Goblin Friend after we were told that the other's in our group would be considered Goblin Friends to if they genuinely left a good impression. We went to Armando's office and saw the Founder's slip into the frames they had here. We pulled out what we got from the bank and decided rather quickly the huge portraits would be the new doors to the common rooms. "Why don't you put on in the common room, one in the Heir room, there most known classroom, and in the Great Hall?" Abraxas had suggested. We had called the others to see what their opinion was and that had seemed to be the best option.

We started at the dungeons and at the Slytherin common room, we took down the previous painting and Armando put in the Salazar painting that Tom activated. We entered and put a frame above the fireplace, walked to Tom, Orion, and Abraxas', room (he invited them to stay in his room) and placed another frame, and then placed another in the potions room. With Godric's, we replaced the Fat Lady with his portrait that Charlus activated and put frames above the fireplace, in Charlus' room, and in the Transfiguration Room. Helga's portrait was hung as the door for her common room, a frame was above the fireplace, in Luna, Dorea, Minerva, Myrtle, and Pomona's room, (the last three switch rooms between Luna and Dahlia although Pomona is usually in Luna's and Myrtle in Dahlia's). The last Helga frame was in the herbology room. Rowena's portrait replaced the knocker, while the frame like the others was above the fireplace, Dahlia's room, and the Runes room. The last frames were put in the Headmaster's room and in the Great Hall above where there tables are. We took the main frames and had Skull, Stone, Raven, and Fire to take us all to the Peverell Manor. "Okay so I was thinking of placing them in the hallway that leads to the kitchen, it would be this wall." The others nodded in agreement and we placed up the portraits before Charlus left as he was expected to be home.

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