Chapter 7

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Orion POV

        It was our winter break and as discussed in one of our meetings, Tom would go to get his Slytherin and Gaunt Heirship rings to protect him against Dumbledore and some other plan Dahlia hadcome up with. Abraxas already had his Malfoy one but Charlus and I found out our parents were given the memories which resulted in them being more eager to meet Dahlia and Luna. The sisters had been invited to the Yule Ball the House of Black was hosting. I was standing with my parents sharing more information the sisters brought up especially about most muggleborns being descended from a pureblood line. I used Dahlia's mother being a descendant of Salazar Slytherin and Tom's father being a descendant of another pureblood line while his mother was a Gaunt. They believed me as I told them Dahlia was in fact a parselmouth and how they heard from other families that Slytherin had two Parselmouths. 

            I was standing with my sister (who had also received memories) and parents greeting the families coming in while wearing my new Heirship ring after explaining what was going on at Hogwarts. The Potter's had shown up and greeted us before standing off to the side as Dorea came to the door, also seeing the Potter's. My father turned to Lord Potter, or Fleamont as he let us call him and in return my parents said they could be called by first name too, and questioned, "I have a feeling you're excited to meet who would've been your great granddaughter?" he smiled and nodded. The Potters and Blacks got along well especially after finding about the Peverell's and almost immediately had a marriage contract between Charlus and Dorea. Dorea's parents had tried to argue but my father had used his status to force a contract.

 The Prewetts had soon arrived along with the big smile on my sister, Lucretia's, face as she greeted the Prewitt's especially Ignatius. Lucretia had gotten something from Luna saying that her and Ignatius Prewett would have to be included in the meeting we were to have. Soon the sisters had arrived, Luna in a white flowy dress while Dahlia had an almost pin straight black dress. They had also given Tom a ride to the Ball as he came up behind them. They greeted my parents before Charlus spoke up, "I'm sorry to interrupt, but some parents of mine want to meet who use to be my granddaughter," he said with that smirk I know Dahlia has, in fact she's showing it right now. She excused herself before making her way to the Potter's as Luna found the Malfoy's and worked her charm to convince the Malfoy's to let Abraxas marry her. They didn't exactly know about the soulmate bond as it's something to keep personal although Abraxas is a Veela he is adamant that Luna will be his wife. This was why my father forced a contract for Dorea as Charlus was her soulmate, while Fleamont and Euphemia knew what was going on, Dorea's parents did not.

            My parents got acquainted with Tom, wanting to know what he's really like, only having memories of Voldemort. It's safe to say they definitely like him now. He started talking to the Potter's who, like Charlus, was accepting knowing he wasn't the same person which I could tell Tom appreciated, but then he was interrupted speaking to them, "WHAT IS SHE DOING HERE" came the screechy sound of Walburga Black. The other families fell silent as Walburga stormed over followed by her very embarrassed and close to disowning her, parents. She grabbed Dahlia's arm and yanked almost pulling her down if Tom and I didn't catch her. "WALBURGA" well there goes her dad's temper. "I WAS SUPPOSED TO MARRY HIM NOT THAT BITCH" Tom had let go so I was the only one holding Dahlia who was grasping her arm that was bruising. Tom must have let go so my creature has been slowly making an appearance early which has been showing especially through my temper.. "What gives you the right to assault my son's fiancée like that. I don't care if you had the contract before, one of the clauses in any contract came up, that being a soulmate bond. Deal. With. It", my mother finally spoke. Walburga paled as, yes, my mother can be scary and I can tell she accepted Dahlia rather quickly, they're both scary when mad. Walburga's mother left, dragging her behind. I had to keep my straight face as I quietly heard, "Bye Walbitcha" come from the raven haired girl I was still holding. "I'm sorry about her, I don't know what to do, I'm close to just considering disownment, as this is embarrassing."

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