Chapter 5

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        When we got ready to go back to our dorms, I passed Dahlia when I heard her whisper, "Are you sure?", I turned, curious, and saw her looking behind me. I had noticed earlier that she begun staring off into space and writing random things on a piece of parchment, Charlus and Orion noticed it too. Dorea had been more interested in what Luna was saying and Abraxas was just staring at Luna. Charlus and Orion had heard her whisper too, well of course Orion did as he hasn't left her side, and they they looked curious too. "Tom can I talk to you alone?" Dahlia asked. With some hesitance, I nodded. The others left back to there dorms, or more like Abraxas and Dorea pulling Orion out of the room with Charlus' assistance as Luna skips out of the room.

        I sat in front of her, "Okay, I'm sure of few of you noticed me staring off into space?" she questioned. "And writing", I added in confirmation.

        "Who noticed?" she questioned.

        "Charlus, Orion, me, and I'm assuming Luna"

        "Well then you guys experienced me quietly talking to a ghost," my eyes widened.

        "Really?" my eyes widened. "What about the ghosts we all see here?"

         "They choose to be visible and they are attached to Hogwarts giving them more energy to stay visible longer. When they are not overwhelming, which I'm sure Hogwarts herself is helping with that feeling. I'm able to communicate with them and write down things instead of saying it out loud and not be rude or look crazy. If it's overwhelming then a lot of times I get a migraine or pass out," she explained.

         "So why did you call me back?"

        "Because this one follows you around," Okay, a little afraid to ask, is this good or bad?

        "Who is it?"

        "Will you not make a comment until I finish what I'm going to say?" I nodded. "It's your mother," cue the widened eyes again. I kept my word though and didn't say anything partly from curiosity. "She wants me tell you that she did not abandon you, she would never dream of doing that to her child, her family abandoned her for falling for a muggle and then the muggle had abandoned her. She had gotten sick being on the streets and her last effort was to make sure you would be safe. She did what Lily for me, she put blood ruins on the basket in you were in so you could only have been taken out by someone you trust. She left you there because she knew she was dying and wanted to make sure you were safe and have your only possible memory of her is her dying." I was stunned, I had been told she abandoned me. I did actually trust one muggle there but she died when I was five. After hearing the explanation I did feel better but sad that she died.

        "Would you like to talk to her?" was the question that knocked me out of my thoughts. I looked at her in question and shock, "Remember I can conjure ghosts? I can make them visible, do you want to talk to your mum?" I nodded quickly.

        Dahlia stood and looked next her and clenched her hands, I saw a faint AK green glow from her hands before a blue translucent woman, who I could tell was my mother, staring back at me. "I'll leave you two alone. When you come out I'll let your mum go," I nodded and she walked out.

        I turned to my mother who gained some color, I had her brown hair and eyes, she was a bit tall as we were eye to eye at the moment, "Tom?" was all she said before, I can't believe it, I felt a tear go down my cheek, soon followed by more. I felt cold hands wipe them away and just held my face as I looked at my mother in shock. Aren't ghosts not able to touch living beings? "Dahlia gave me extra energy so I would be touch you. I'm not sure if I can hug you but I can definitely touch. I wanted to say I am proud of you. I know what happened in your previous life and I am proud that you tried to fight for your sanity. Dahlia also confirmed one question I had about you though."

        "Oh?" was all I could mumble out, a bit overwhelmed by the situation.

        "I asked her if you would find happiness in this life, and she said you would, and you will also have a soulmate, she doesn't show up on your inheritance test for a reason but it will make sense when the time comes. She told me that her sister had seen you become a father too. Now you were never told it, because I didn't want Dumblewhore knowing, I heard the sisters call him that, I'm using it, you do have a vault I made for you. The Slytherin Vault will be given to you when you graduate, my family thinks it empty, but I stole quite a bit from the Riddle's, there payment for abandoning me," I had a small smirk, yes I saw I am definitely like my mother, "You will be able to over rule my father and get the Gaunt the Lordship, with those you will get a duplicate Resurrection Stone,  Dahlia has the original because of her title but that Stone and the Potter cloak which I'm sure she's going to tell the Potter boy soon will have duplicates that all work the same but if combined with the wand will not create a "master of death". Now back to the vault, I had a few elves still loyal to me before I left and had them place some things in that vault along with giving the Slytherin Ring that I stole from the Gaunts back to Gringotts so they have it. Those things placed in there are mine that I you to have. Okay?"

        I had nodded again and couldn't think of anything I wanted to ask. "I understand you have nothing to ask me as this is all probably too shocking, hopefully you will get your vault no problem and get your Heir rings. I stayed with you and followed you because I wanted to make sure you didn't have a bad life again, I wanted to make sure you would be okay. Now that I know you will I think it's time for me to go back to the afterlife but I will still be watching, I know Dahlia can summon me again, I would rather you do that then use the Stone," we were both teary eyed at this point. She took a deep breath like she was concentrating and step forward and wrapped her arms around me and successfully hugged me. I hugged her back the best that I could. "I love you, Tom"

        I could feel myself smile a bit, "I love you, mum" I pulled away to see her beaming. I smiled more and nodded as a way to say see you soon instead of goodbye and walked out seeing Dahlia waiting and her arms behind her back to still faintly glowing but it disappeared as my mother's spirit left. We walked in silence before Dahlia spoke up, "You haven't token over the Slytherin House yet as King have you?" I shook my head before she smirked, "I have an idea for us both to take over but you need your Heirship ring" she explained her idea  before we were greeted by our group except Charlus as he was in a different house. "Can we ask what happened?" Dorea questioned. Dahlia looked at me in question and I nodded. "Did you give out the mirrors?" Dahlia asked her sister and she nodded as Dorea got out her mirror to contact Charlus, "I take it there back I have a silencing charm up," he said as Dahlia did the same. She explained what happened a bit more about her ability, letting Charlus know about his cloak, she explained she doesn't usually get alot of sleep because of nightmares the ghosts give her but she does have times when she just sleeps with no dreams and how she can faint if she gets to highly stressed and overwhelmed.

        "How was the talk with your mother?" Dorea asked in concern. I sighed and nodded, "I found out what happened with her, hate muggles a bit more, but have an appreciation for my mother," they all had a happy look in there eyes. I looked at Dahlia who of course was sitting with Orion, "So Dahlia, anymore ghosts we should know about that we can't see?" she then looked amused. "You know that comment I made about Dumblewhore at the sorting?" I'm sure we all felt that twinge of anger but we nodded. "Well I wasn't lying about it and Luna can confirm that but there was ginger haired woman who was highly amused with his humiliation."

        "Do you know who she is?" Abraxas asked.

        "Why Ariana Dumbledore of course, his dead sister who he killed"


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