Chapter 66

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Orion POV

Holy shit! Holy shit! Dahlia's in labor! Holy shit! It had been a few weeks since we saw those from the previous timeline, and Dahlia and I have been spending time with the twins and Lestrange brothers, who may possibly become a part of the group, we won't know unless they get memories or if Luna or Dahlia gets a vision of them. And then this morning Dahlia had woken up and moved and proceeded to slap me very, very, and hard as she felt something wet. I had called the others and Apollo was there rather quickly. The others quickly came, Tom and Nagini last as she was the next to give birth. Eileen had already been there as she has been living with us for a bit as her family is being asses and we were helping her take control of the Prince Line.

Luna and Dorea were quickly up there to help the groaning Dahlia who now had white hair (pain/fear/scared) as her hands clenched the bed sheets. A few hours later I heard, "YOU BETTER BE LUCKY REGULUS NEEDS TO EXIST AND WE NEED ANOTHER CHILD AFTERWARDS OR I WOULD BE CUTTING YOUR DICK OF WITH A RUSTY BUTTER KNIFE!" I turned and was met with matching pale faces from the other guys and a laughing Nagini. Bellatrix, Narcissa, and Andromeda had just looked stunned, I mean we've all heard her give threats before, but that was a bit out there. Even Thanatos and Hades looked at me in sympathy, while Aphrodite and Melinoe joined Nagini in laughter. I'm sure my face was even paler than the others as I know the threat was towards me.

Soon the screaming finally stopped and a baby otherwise known as Sirius started crying. I let out a sigh of relief while my daughters were ecstatic and the Mikaelson's and Damon just had those natural happy smiles they've had for a while now. Luna opened the door, "Apollo's cleaning him up but you can come in now," she told me. I walked in to find an exhausted Dahlia leaning on the pillows that Raven probably got her. Her hair had now become black again as she looked at me with a bit of happiness in her eyes that I'm sure I was also showing. I went to sit in the chair that I think one of the girls had been sitting in and held her hand as Apollo finally turned around with the baby.

Sirius was not calming down while Apollo was cleaning him up, actually he hasn't stopped since he came out. Apollo handed him to Dahlia who was holding back tears and as she held him and he squirmed like he was getting closer to her, he calmed down. "Hi Sirius," my wife whispered as her hair became a bit blue. She started crying and it made me emotional too, I sat on the bed and we both held baby Sirius. I left Dahlia to feed him, as she specifically stated she was not breast feeding him because that would be highly awkward since we don't know exactly what they are going to remember.

I walked out to see the others, "I heard he finally calmed down," Dorea said.

"Yes he wanted to see his parents," I said. I had held him for a little too and he had stayed calm while trying to also get warmth from me. Apollo had come back to check on him before the others could come and see him, except Padfoot because he kept scratching the door. "Well it seems his sensitivity is definitely going to towards the cold, and according to Hecate he is going to able to sense quite a bit of magic so those bits off magic not related to those that are related to the Peverell family are going to be more noticeable since he won't be comfortable with those. So like a child would now but a bit more amplified and he might still experience that but will tolerate it better," he explained.

"So Peverell, Black, Ravenclaw, Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff, Potter, Gaunt, and Malfoy he should be fine with?" I asked.

"Well since Hufflepuff and Malfoy are adopted in, he may notice that a bit more, but it won't stress him out, he'll just notice it. And once Eileen gets added in he will be alright around Prince too," we nodded and made sure to have Eileen watch her magic use. We were waiting for her to give birth before we added her and Severus so we could do it separately.

The girls finally got to come in and made sure to stay quiet as Sirius had fallen asleep, "Orion?" Dahlia called quietly, I looked back at her, "It's just a theory; do you think you could use your fire on a fire proof blanket? It may help him warm up better," she suggested as she held the shivering sleeping Sirius. Melinoe came in, "Sorry I forgot to mention mom had that same theory and gave me one of the fire proof blankets we had," she handed me a small blanket and I had gone out of the room, so Sirius didn't wake up and shook out the blanket with green flames making a brief appearance. I had walked back into the room and we carefully moved our arms around so Sirius was wrapped in the second blanket. We saw him stop his shivering and snuggled into the warmth of the second blanket and had a more relaxed sleep. The others finally came in to see him and Dahlia looked at Tom, "Good luck, you're next," was all she said to him as his eyes widened and looked at his eight months pregnant wife.

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