Chapter 104

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Third POV

Frank had called Sirius in shock, "Frank?" Sirius had answered.

"Hey Sirius, I think my sister might have gained some memories from the first timeline," he said in surprise.

"Really? What makes you think that?"

"She's looking at me in worry, and suddenly she knows who Alice is, I haven't mentioned Alice yet. Albus was mentioned from how he hadn't been spotted in a bit and she flinched," he explained.

"Well I wouldn't exactly know how to be sure, Bellatrix said the only times she knew is because there eyes were older, that was how she described it with the Lestranges, but everyone else was already a Peverell, we were expecting it," Sirius explained. He gotten out of bed, it was one of the few times he did get to sleep in, and went to find his mother. "Mom," he called, seeing her. "Yes?"

"Frank thinks his sister knows about the first timeline," Sirius told her. Dahlia looked surprised and grabbed Sirius' mirror, "Your coming with us for the school year shopping, bring her with you," she told Frank. "If she knows who I am and reacts surprised then explain everything to her," she added.

The next week, the Peverell's went and got there first of the year shopping done, and headed to Gringotts for the next round of Heir rings. Regulus got his Heir Peverell Ring, and Jane got her Heir Gryffindor ring. When leaving, they ran into Frank and his sister Fern. They saw her look at Dahlia and Luna in surprise and knew. Frank would inform his sister about everything before school started. "When do you think it would be a good time to tell Jasper we found his mate?" Dahlia questioned. Orion shrugged, "Maybe when the year is over."

Skipping to the sorting, Peeves returning to prank the Headmaster, the new first years seeing Tom covered in white flour, Peeves' favorite thing to do to him, Minerva started the sorting.

"Lyra Black," the Peverells sat forward knowing this is when the bet ends, "RAVENCLAW!" Dahlia and Orion celebrated as they guessed their daughters house right, "You know I bet when Klaus does come here, he'd be a Hufflepuff," Dahlia said. Orion agreed, he also got that feeling from him.

"Jade Potter," the girl practically skipped up the steps, "Gryffindor," all the Peverells said. Kol even called it before they left, "GRYFFINDOR!"

"Helena Slytherin-Gaunt," the girl walked up calmly, "SLYTHERIN!"

"Fern Longbottom," the nervous brunette that reminded Dahlia and Luna quite a bit of Neville walked up, "HUFFLEPUFF!" Dahlia hid her laughter at Luna's silent celebrating.

The year passed by uneventfully, Fern quickly growing into a friendship with the Peverells, and finding out she had a soul mate she would meet, but wouldn't be able to see him much because of a job he's doing.

By the end of the year, Narcissa had passed her exams with flying colors. Orion, Dahlia, and Bellatrix were pulled to the side by Lucius and Elijah, "We wanted to ask you if we could court Narcissa and Andromeda. We wanted to do it properly and not because of the mate bond, and ask their parents and older sister," they explained. The three shared a look and agreed, "Willingly hurt one of them then Green and Inferno are going to hunt you down," Dahlia said.

Emilia Clarke as Fern Longbottom

Emilia Clarke as Fern Longbottom

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