Chapter 58

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(Eh, why not another)

Third POV

Nico had just graduated from Hogwarts. He had seen his sisters and Henrik along with the Mikaelson's, Damon, and his father, step-mother, Dahlia and Orion there for him. Although he knew Dahlia was also there for her Ravenclaw's he knew it was for him too just like all the others who are teachers. Like Bianca, he had also been secretly ecstatic that his dad had showed up. The loophole that was found was the best thing ever. Even when Bianca and Nico got reintroduced to there uncles, Zeus even admitted it. He had been trying to make up for killing their mother, even though the siblings forgave him as it seems Zeus receiving those memories had calmed him down quite a bit, which surprised many people.

Everybody was going to go to the Underworld to celebrate the graduation of both di Angelo siblings (Bianca wanted to wait for Nico), and to introduce the vampires and the Black sisters to the Underworld. Hades had blessed the vampires to be able to eat the food down there, just in case, and the sisters were confirmed to be able to eat down there with there blood adoption.

The vampires had looked at the fiery pits around them in amazement, as of course Kol would be the one to take to Cerberus, who they found could be a giant three headed puppy. They got introduced to Persephone who had been a lot happier lately as her marriage had been improving a lot, not that Demeter knew that and wanted to know what Hades was doing to her, and showed them around as her husband had to do some trials rather quickly.

"You know if this is basically a darker looking Olympus, I would still rather be here," Rebekah said. Her siblings nodded and Melinoe spoke up, "Even Apollo prefers it down here it's quieter to him even though he can hear the screaming," the vampires looked confused except for Henrik, he knew why Apollo thought it was quieter.

"It gets him away from his twin, and the women throwing themselves on him. He's a natural flirt, he can't help it, so a lot of times when the sun goes down, he tends to be down here, which is why the sky is a lot darker at night now. Artemis thinks she makes the moon bright but it's really Apollo because the sun is behind the moon. The moon hasn't been as bright because Apollo has been down here where he can be restful and let out some anger he has," Aphrodite spoke up. She had also been visiting the di Angelo siblings, along with Hephaestus, Ares, Hestia, and Hermes (who was on his break). Poseidon had also stopped by rather quickly but all the fire was making slightly uncomfortable and Zeus understandably was not comfortable what so ever. The brothers had been mending there relationship but were still slightly uncomfortable in each other's domains. Only Poseidon could go into the other domains comfortably but not for very long.

"The sun god has to let out his anger?" Elijah asked.

"I'm surprised the noble Mikaelson who is usually with his head in a book had to ask that question," Hades had started, "A lot of people forget my nephew's domains just looking at the prophecy, sun, and healing domains. They forget he has the most domains, he needs a way to practice all of them so it doesn't affect him. The others also had forgotten that he has two domains that are opposite of each other- Healing and plague. Yes he is the reason behind the Black Plague he had gotten overly angry with something and that was the result, his plague domain had made an appearance," he mentioned to the older vampires who seemed to want to say something when he mentioned the plague. Apollo had actually talked to the Big Three about that and had made an agreement with each other. "So we found out he can contain his domain which is why Europe had experienced the Black Plague the most. So I had made arrangements for punishable souls to be affected by a plague down here. So he could practice that domain. He works with Dahlia, Dorea, and Thanatos a lot to find those souls and sometimes Orion and Charlus, it is making him more relaxed that all his domains are being balanced," Hades had finished explaining.

After the meal that was put together for Hades' children, Persephone took the three girls to see her gardens. It had been the same size as their mother's but they still enjoyed it, although they did prefer their mother's. Kol and Finn got to meet Lady Hecate, who confirmed that Nik's ritual will also work on them, which solidified Finn's uncertainty about getting his hopes up and asked Kol if he could join in on research which Kol happily agreed too. Kol had been happy to get closer to all of his siblings again but didn't have much of one with Finn so, even though he won't admit it, he was excited when Finn finally gave in. Niklaus had been looking into the different creatures the Wizarding World had purely out of curiosity and was also happy to know that nobody questioned his motives. Damon had just been happy to have a family, while Rebekah and Elijah would continue to hang around there mates when they could.

Dahlia had just finished a little bit of work sorting the incoming names of souls to see who had to immediately be pulled for punishment as Charlus and Orion had not gotten to them. She saw Bellatrix off to the side staring sadly at her sisters who were with there mates. "What's wrong Bella?" she asked.

The seven year old sighed, "Why do they get there mates so early?" she said quietly. 'Ah she was lonely,' Dahlia thought.

"Okay, I will tell you something about your mate," Bellatrix had jerked her head towards her mother. "I cannot tell you his name or what he is other than he's not human. Since your so young I don't want you to be disappointed and distracted that you have to wait so long," she started.

"Then why did you tell Eileen?" Bellatrix interrupted.

"Because, even though she still has to wait a bit, she is currently with an abusive husband, at least for another couple years, until Severus comes into the picture, Eileen does need to keep her hopes up so I told her, and plus, she's older, and won't be distracted in school," Dahlia gave Bellatrix a teasing look resulting in a giggle from Bellatrix.

"Can I know that little bit?" Bellatrix asked as Orion walked in, already knowing what the conversation was about. He's not happy about his younger two girls having mates when they are so damn young, but was glad they were their soul mates and wouldn't hurt them. So he wasn't going to not let Dahlia say something about Bella's if it would help her feel less lonely. "So he did go through something traumatic I his first life that unfortunately will have to again as it was a major event, but, we will be there for him this time. He is a werewolf that watched his pack get killed which made him go a little insane as the two known survivors had fled and abandoned him. He was also being influenced by the hunter who was acting as his nurse, which is another reason to step in. Kill the nurse and give him a pack," Dahlia revealed. Bellatrix was sad to hear about her mate but knew she and her family would help him get better and heal, which made her relieved and hug her mother, "Thank you mom," and Dahlia hugged her back. 

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