Chapter 21

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Third POV

        A girl about the age of 14, with long black slightly wavy hair with green eyes so green they practically glowed walked in with a straight face and walked with confidence. Those who knew of her soulmate bond saw Lord Black crack a smile at the confidence she was emitting. "This is Dahlia Peverell, Lady to the Most Noble and Most Ancient Houses of Peverell and Ravenclaw, as stated before, is being represented by a proxy," a witch had announced. The minister smiled at the young girl, "Lady Peverell, that's what you prefer right?" the girl nodded, "Okay, what evidence do you have on Dumbledore?" he asked.

        "I have evidence of hatred towards Slytherin House, attempted Line Theft, lying about lineage, putting children in harms, bullying children, putting a family in a bad light, stalking, and proof about Gellert Grindelwald," she announced and the people gasped. The minister nodded for her to start, "Starting with my mother, she was a muggleborn, Dumbledore had been spreading that muggleborns were the new blood they had no relation, she found out he had been lying. She was not adopted into a muggle family, she had been born. One stipulation she had to marry my father was she had to take an Inheritance Test to find out if everything they experienced had been real. It was, but she had also found something else, she was actually a Slytherin descendant although she wasn't a parselmouth but also the Ravenclaw Heir. She didn't get around to taking it because she didn't want it, neither did my father want his Gryffindor Heirship because they were trying to stay hidden and he wanted it to go to the Potter's as we were from the same Peverell-Gryffindor Line. Now the bit about Grindelwald, slandering a family name, and Line theft all go with each other. I have met someone who I took an oath not to reveal their name for their safety. This person knew Grindelwald and that he was a sweet and determined boy, but then he met Albus Dumbledore. He soon felt uncomfortable because Dumbledore had become obsessed with him, and then a blink of an eye would do anything he says, this person believes he had been under potions to love him and follow his command. He talked about his obsession about the Deathly Hallows and made it there symbol, thus slandering my family's name as it is our symbol, our family had to go into hiding because we couldn't wear our symbol out without being attacked. In fact that happened to James and Lillith Peverell, my parents. They had to go out and somebody saw our symbol and killed them. I saw their names darken on the family tree showing they were dead, and got no apology, they didn't even check who they were," she got teary eyed and many people were shocked people assumed that quickly. "So I would suggest," she turned to the minster, "When you give him the veritaserum to ask about him," the minister nodded in agreement and made note of it with the other questions, "Also I had heard about the mystery behind his sister Ariana Dumbledore's death whether Grindelwald did it or Albus did it. He had also been trying to take over the Hogwarts Founders lines along with other Lines that have "died out" which is why he lied to muggleborns. As soon as my sister and I walked into Hogwarts he had a look of greed and dare I say hunger or lust. I expressed my discomfort before we were sorted and he seemed very angry as if he was going to pull his beard off his face. My sister and I stuck with our group of friends all the time because we kept seeing him try to follow us he even tried being invisible to catch us alone but with us being Hogwarts Heirs, we warned by the school herself, as some of you may know, she is sentient," a lot of people nodded, "And then I think it was because we called him out on the way he was looking at us, he tried getting us to answer every question, some weren't even what we were talking about. We got them right, but got no points, he gave a Gryffindor 20 points just for having his items, and took points from Dorea Black, a Slytherin, because she was holding hands with Charlus Potter, her boyfriend, and a Gryffindor," people saw Lords Potter and Black looked quite mad at that. Dahlia made herself tear up; it wasn't that hard as she was already quite upset about the whole situation. The minster summoned a tissue for her which she gladly took as she stepped down. 

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