Chapter 84

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Third POV

Well it was the Twins, Rodolphus, and Bella's fourth year and Andromeda and Rabastan's second. The twins and Rodolphus had gone in on the physical defense while Bellatrix had been in on the divination (she had an interest in it) and runes before she joined physical defense and healing. The boys wanted to be ready to know how to fight to prepare for when they get their inheritance next year. The twins had also gone into the runes classes which may be there foxes peaking through with an interest, it had also happened with charms so it wasn't new.

Towards the end of the year, Dahlia was giving her lecture about Dark Gray magic, when she was hit with a big migraine and flashes of automobiles hit with bullets. She started choking like a man who got shot in the neck while helping people escape their cars and fell to the floor feeling another bullet in my spine. She briefly heard "Professor?" along with Sirius crying and another student who sounded like a Gryffindor who had a gray core, "You go and get Professor Black and you go get Madame Warren," the students said as Dahlia felt her sister (who is not doing well hiding she was a seer) come closer and leave to check on Regulus and Lyra, who had both had pain in their back and neck, although Lyra had tingling in her legs and was uncomfortable standing while Regulus had no problem.

A student had managed to reach the middle floors where Orion had been helping a half fae witch, when the student came in. She was a forest fae that was trying to use magic with her flute but the door slammed open, scaring the girl and the plant she was growing with her magic had jumped, grew very fast, and then the shock from the scare made it die. "I am so sorry," the other student said to the upset half-fae. "Something is wrong with Proffessor Ravenclaw and your son," the fae wasn't upset any more realizing the student slammed through with a reason. Orion jet out of the room with the student following and the fae was following as she liked Proffessor Ravenclaw.

The other student, who was rather fast, had found Madame Warren and told her what happened and they both ran back. Once all the students were out of the room, Thanatos appeared to his Mistress' and her son's aid. "There was two violent wrongful deaths in America, one was shot in the back and killed after he fell paralyzed and banged his head, and the other was shot in the neck and choked to death, the shooter than killed himself," he explained. Dahlia was struggling to breathe as her head was laying on her husband's lap. Luna had gotten Sirius and found that later Dorea had been experiencing what Lyra did, so did her daughters, while James was like Regulus, but more pain than anything, he didn't want to move. After ten minutes, Dahlia and Sirius both were breathing easier but couldn't really walk. Dahlia managed to get out what she wanted her students to read and Myrtle went out to reiterate the message, and to tell them their teacher was okay, it had something to do with a gift in her family line and mentioned that Sirius had inherited it pretty strongly compared to his other birth siblings.

Dahlia had cancelled the rest of her runes classes and Luna had stepped up to teach her core classes and decided to give lessons on spells that both sides of the Gray cores could use. Orion had also cancelled his classes but his students understood as it became known, especially when the Headmaster announced it at lunch, that Lady and Heir Black both fell ill do to a gift that appears in her line. Bellatrix and Andromeda finally knew why they had felt highly uncomfortable and went to their parent's chambers with the Lestrange and Prewett brothers. They found Orion motioning for them to be quiet and motioned them to come closer.

"So basically what happened is that since your mother is the Mistress of Death, she will sometimes get certain deaths to hit her randomly, depending on the circumstance. What happened this time was some kid had taken a gun and sat over a highway and shot at cars. Two men were trying to help the injured out of the cars only for one to be shot in the neck and one to be shot in the spine. So she started choking on air and her legs went numb along with the pain in her back. We are thinking part of Sirius' sensitivity is that he's going to pick up on that a lot more. Lyra and Regulus both did, Lyra more than Regulus because she will be a banshee. The Potter's on the other hand were less severe, Dorea just had something similar to Lyra, so did Jane and Jade, while we think because of James' original connection to your mother gave him a slight sensitivity to it and he was really just experiencing pain and didn't want to move even though his legs did not tingle like Lyra's and your mother's. You three," he pointed to his older daughters, "Are just going to be highly uncomfortable when ever one these episodes comes around. We know because about a year after Henrik came it happened again. And all these episodes are always different, this only had two people with bad wounds along with the shooter, but the one in the forties lasted twelve minutes and had thirteen deaths. So just be aware if this happens to you," Orion told his other children, the five of them nodded and he let them go see their mother. He knew Charlus was telling the same thing about Dorea to his children. When the girls and Regulus got up to where Dahlia and Orion sleep, they had to hold back an "Awe" seeing a six year old Sirius cuddled up with his mom on the bed. Dahlia was awake but Sirius was still asleep. Dahlia was doing the paperwork about the two people she saw after immediately marking the shooter for punishment and sent it to Orion, who was deciding where the shooter would go. After seeing Eileen's irritated face he turned to her, "You think you could give the Lestranges some tips on torture if I send this shooter to be tortured by you?" he questioned. The mentioned brothers both lit up and turned to Eileen, "Eh, why not? Do I get to take Inferno?" the brothers turned back to Orion who nodded. I mean it would make sense to take a hellhound to a torture lesson when your teaching hellhound shifters wouldn't it?

Eileen turned to her son to see him pouting, "Oh quit pouting, I'll take you after you start Hogwarts," she said. Then Severus 'miraculously' felt better. "Dad!" Orion heard from the other room, and saw James start grabbing his head and so did Dorea. Charlus had been with their daughters, getting them some food. He went up the stairs while Eileen stayed to watch over Dorea and James and found his younger son holding his head along with his daughter, his other daughters looked uncomfortable and his wife and second oldest son had been holding there heads too but they were grabbing onto their hair like they were about to pull it out. Another file appeared on Dahlia's pile and Orion read it out loud, "Third victim, young child, shot in the head," he read and then understood why Luna wanted to cry, a young life had ended. Dahlia now had all three of her birth children cuddled up to her. Sirius hadn't really moved which they also found out later that this had sent him into an episode when he wouldn't talk later and motioned to his throat. So he had remained buried into his mom's right side while Regulus took the left and Lyra lay on her mom's chest and stomach

At the end of the day, the Black's all slept in one bed (Regulus and Sirius had started to migrate between their parents as they sensed the warmth coming form Orion) as most were still nursing head, neck, and back aches. The Potter's also all slept in one bed, while the Malfoy's did due to their sadness of the young life that ended. The Slytherin-Gaunts were in the middle trying to cheer them all up.

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