Chapter 4

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Charlus POV

        I had put my stuff away in my dorm before sneaking by everybody up to the seventh floor where it seems the others had just appeared. Luna paced back and forth in front of us and to most of our amazement, a door appeared. We all walked in to see a seating area that consisted of the Hogwarts colors. We all sat in our seats by title: Tom in the green, Luna and Abraxas in the yellow, Dahlia and Orion in the blue, and Dorea and I in the red.

        "So you all received the memories all the way until our meeting with Thanatos and Gaea?", Dahlia asked. We all nodded, "Okay so basically, if you don't have known creature inheritance you will now get one when you turn sixteen. I believe Tom and Abraxas are the only ones that have one, yes Tom you have one the ability got blocked and we all know who did it. You both have one becoming a hybrid. Tom, your going to be a basilisk/vampire hybrid. Your original one was the basilisk because you can't seem to skip the snake face," Dahlia teased and Tom rolled his eyes. "At least you'll have a nose," Luna added before turning to her mate while the others looked highly amused (except Tom of course), "Abraxas, you're original was a Veela but now your also a shapechanger that can change into another person or animal," Abraxas shrugged his shoulder looking impressed.

        "As for the other inheritances, it was explained that for future children, blood adopted or by birth, the females will inherit the mother's creature while the males inherit the father's. For the Malfoy's, the males starting with Abraxas will be Veela/shapechanger hybrids, and the females starting with Luna will be Fae/Succubi hybrids. Either gender will have an ability over one or more elements from Luna being Mistress of Life and having visions as Luna was originally a seer. Now, since I was originally a Potter, the Potter and Black lines will have the same inheritance. The males starting with Orion and Charlus will be reaper/ghost rider (A/N: the marvel version not from Teen Wolf) hybrid. The females starting with Dorea and I will Banshee/Siren hybrids. The extra abilities are the difference. The Potters will be Shadow Mage's, you can have control over shadows and gain information. Again playing into me previously being a Potter, my children will have aspects of that ability, more of the gaining information. The Black's will be metamorphmagi which I know is originally in the Black Line but with all the inbreeding it disappeared until new blood is mixed in, I being a half-blood and James being the child of a Black gave me that ability and so did Nymphodora Tonks, a halfblood daughter of Andromeda Black and so did her son. The ability for me being Mistress of Death is seeing and communicating with spirits. The Riddles like snakes can sense temperatures and auras. The Riddles and Blacks are also Parselmouth Lines until James and Lily get together because, come to find out, Lily is a descendant of Slytherin and Ravenclaw, the lines merged somewhere eventually producing a squib," Dahlia explained.

        "Now, on to familiars. Our lines actually have family animagi which is actually the same form as our familars. Our seperate animal selves act as protectors technically making them familiars. People from one of our lines marrying into another will have a secondary animagus but it only as an animagus or patronus not a familiar." Dahlia began.

        "So the Black's have a black dog animagus that has different types. My familiar and animagus form which will be Dorea's secondary animagus is called a Skriker, I like to say they are basically a banshee in the form of a dog." A big somewhat shaggy black dog with pointed ears and green eyes matching Dahlia's came out of the shadows, "Her name is Shadow," Dahlia said. "Orion, you're black dog is a hellhound to match your ghost rider side," she added. A dog, slightly bigger than Shadow came out showing its matching fur to Shadow and dark eyes that matched Orion but glowed red. He shook out his fur resulting in the fur to shorten and become pieces of rock while in between was fire. After showing his 'ghost rider' aspect, the dog shook again, the fur came back while smoke and ash came from his fur. He walked up to Orion, "His names Inferno", he informed. Dahlia smiled, "Now the result of a hellhound and a skriker is a padfoot. You hear this dog coming from from the soft padding sounds when they walk, Sirius was the only one to change into it and was coincidently named Padfoot, although I don't think it's a coincidence, I believe James and Sirius knew more than they let on, but I will get to that later," Dahlia added the last bit seeing the surprised faces, "The Malfoy's are different phoenixes," a flash of fire and a multicolored phoenix, red with blue, green, and yellow accent, appeared with a dreamy look like Luna's, "Her name's River, yes it's unusual for a phoenix but I don't care," Luna said. Another multi colored phoenix appeared next to Abraxas but this was blue with the other colors as accents. "Well if we are going with unusual names, his name is Flame," Abraxas said. A black snake appears around Tom's shoulders, "You have a black basilisk that won't petrify until you give the command except he won't do it to people in the group," Luna explained as I noticed Dahlia had gone quiet and was writing something on a piece of parchment while staring off in Tom's direction. "So the Potter's," Luna continued, "James was the other one who gained his family animagus but its actually a stag," I was surprised because my whole family by blood had a stag/doe patronus/animagus. "Your familiars are kind of like Abraxas' new creature side. They are called demon cats. They are tricksters, James was the first to change his form. They make you think your trustworthy by taking on the form of a stag, but really there being protective over family and a stag has a defense in his horns. I believe the Potter's were infact dark grey?" Luna asked me, I nodded trying to hide a smirk as I saw Dahlia and Dorea do the same. Two black cats, one taller then the other although both seemed rather tall came forward. The taller one with glowing red eyes was obviously mine and decided he wanted to be called Ash, while Dorea announced hers was named Ghost due to her almost white eyes.

        "Okay so on to the I know James and Sirius knew more than they let on," Dahlia started. "They had put up masks so people wouldn't suspect they were up to something, especially in front of Remus so they kept up the immature masks for a while," she said. "Really?" Dorea and I asked as we remembered Remus being at our house. Dahlia nodded and continued, "Sirius and I had many private conversations and taught me darker things than what we learn at Hogwarts as I have a darker core. He knew I had been fed potions so he taught me how to recognize one in my food or drink. He got along with Kreature, who didn't believe that it was an act until Sirius told him to move the dark artifacts getting "thrown out" to Regulus' room as neither one of them let people in other than me," she looked slightly amused at how much Sirius could act.

        "Who was throwing them out?" Orion asked with hidden anger. "Molly Weasley nee Prewett, we'll talk about her later though. He would heal me whenever I came from the Dursley's and put a glamour on me so nobody knew I was healed other than the older Weasley brothers. He didn't tell Remus because he knew he was traitor, while Peter went to Voldemort," Tom flinched, "Remus would go to Dumbledore," she paused when Dorea raised her hand, "Then how did Remus not sense it with him being a werewolf?"

        "It was because those potions he had been taking were interfering with his senses because it was killing his wolf. While he still had strong senses and could smell if I was injured, Sirius was that good with his glamours and would shift into Padfoot to make sure he could smell it. He told me that James somhow knew who his soulmate was which was why they would target Snape, he was the one taking her away from him. Sirius told me about a conversation he had with James a week before he died," Dahlia sucked in a breath as Orion grabbed her hand and held it, rubbing his thumb over her hand. Dorea was leaning completely into me while I had my arms around her as we listened anbout our sons final days. Dahlia took a deep breath, "Sirius told me James had a bad feeling while being at Godric's Hollow, but Lily wouldn't move. He knew Lily had idolized Dumbledore because of her being a muggleborn so she would listen to Dumbledore instead of listening to her husband and going to the Potter Ancestral Home. I had found out that James had written a separate letter to me explaining the same situation so he planned with Gringotts to shut the Gryffindor and Peverell vaults since he was in charge of them, and have them stay shut until I got my Ladyship, under the circumstance I took an Inheritance Test. He kept my trust fund open and he kept a fake Potter vault open. So it wasn't Potter money it was Gringotts money that was being monitored. He stuck in fake versions of books that would not work and had wrong information in them, the only thing that was real was his Cloak. And Sirius helped with the whole thing and left his own letter knowing he wasn't going to make it either and had shut all the Black accounts from anybody accept me and set up a fake. Now Dumbledore kept telling me Lily had put up a protection of love that protected me which is true but James had one that lasted longer."

        Dahlia had paused for a bit leaving us to our thought. Wow, James and Sirius really knew more than they let on. Dorea looked flat out amazed while I saw Orion, who was comforting an emotional Dahlia, was wearing a sad but proud smirk listening about Sirius. "So as we mentioned our Animagi and familiars match our patroni and some will have secondary patroni. Dorea will have a Skriker and a cat that likes be a doe, Dahlia's on the other hand is a bit odd," the sisters shared a smirk. Dahlia turned to Dorea and I, "People keep saying the protection came from my mother, like I said before. But, James wanted to make sure he stuck around a bit longer and it came with me to this timeline. It is very highly unlikely that you would have a patronus the opposite gender to you. So imagine my surprise when a stag came out and later in front of Sirius it was a fully grown stag that looked highly excited to see him. Which is when Sirius confirmed my suspicion that Prongs made himself my patronus. I told Luna that I wondered how he would react seeing his parents."

        My future wife and I smiled, "We would like that as much as Sirius finding out he's a parselmouth," everyone looked amused by that bit as Dahlia took out her wand, summoning Prongs who galloped out, shook himself out, looked at Tom and nodded after a bit as if in a way to say he was forgiven before turning to Orion and gave him a glare that would make anybody flinch, and then the stags widened when they landed on us and it pranced around before disappearing. "Oh yes, that's our son," Dorea and I said. "I'm more impressed by the glare, Dahlia was always told she had her moms glare," Luna teased causing Dahlia to give her the matching glare the stag had causing everyone to laugh.

(A/N: The Shadow Mage idea was borrowed from somebody else who's name I can't remember)

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