Chapter 17

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Luna POV

        We had asked Helga how to help the Weeping Willow outside which she gave a combination of certain plants that the Herbology teacher went and got. All the students had gone outside as they wanted to meet the Willow the nymph. I walked up with Dahlia to the nymph and Dahlia hit the knot in the tree, allowing Willow to control her tree. I took the lotion that was made up and rubbed it on the trunk, over the riddle and watched as it soaked in and disappeared. Willow had immediately perked up and ran up to Dahlia and I and hugged us. The tree reflecting her emotions literally looked as if it was dancing which amused the students. She waved bye to the students and declared that the tree would be safer unless you intend harm. She was put there for the same reason the basilisk was, to protect the students, her tree became more unstable because of what Dumbledore engraved in her trunk.

            Armando gathered our group up in his office with the four discovered paintings, "So I talked to the founders and they had mentioned they had more paintings in there vaults. I know you guys can't get in with only Heir rings but since none of them are currently Lords or Ladies we can get them with you being there and it being Hogwarts business, technically. So, I figured some time during the beginning of summer break we go get them and it'll be a surprise next year," he explained, "They had also expressed, they would like to remain together, I think partially to make it up to Salazar for not listening to him, and somewhere their Heirs would most likely be. Do you know where that could be?"

            I looked at Dahlia who kind of shrugged and tilted her head as to say she knew what I was thinking and she was accepting it. It's not like I was giving her a choice. "Well, the Peverell Ancestral Home, we will have access to since I was adopted in, and everyone else is a Peverell," I suggested. The founders all smiled at the idea, "Well who would be staying there? I know you will all have access but is somebody staying there?" Godric asked. I saw Orion and Dahlia share a look, I think they had discussed that before, "Dahlia and I can. She's Lady Peverell, a descendant of most of the founders, and I would prefer my sons not have live in a reminder of where they grew up in the first timeline with that hag," Orion spoke. "Wait, how is Dahlia most of our descendants and how are most of you Peverells?" Rowena questioned.

            "Well, this will refer to the original timeline, my birth name is Dahlia Potter," their eyes widened as they knew there was another timeline where some stuff went down but not much details on what happened, "Charlus and Dorea were my grandparents, so that explains the Gryffindor. Now because of Dumbledick, I did not know about my Inheritance like any other muggleborn, so I never found out why I was a Parselmouth until I actually took it before Thanatos and Gaea gave us that deal to go to a different time period and a different timeline. I had found that Ravenclaw and Slytherin both showed up as maternal with Slytherin adding by conquest which considering that circumstances was a good thing," Tom had nodded in agreement, "So I was also a descendant of the youngest Peverell brother as I had the Invisibility Cloak and now being that I'm Lady Peverell and Mistress of Death, I have the version I have and Charlus still has his without the stipulation of being able to master death if combined with the others, just like Tom who is a descendant of the middle brother has his own Resurrection Stone without the stipulation while I have mine. There is no other Elder wand I destroyed it," she explained.

            I added in, "I'm the only other with more than one ancestor that are founders. I was originally Luna Lovegood, my father was a descendant of Rowena while my mother was a descendant of Helga. We were trying to make it so we all had one Hogwarts Lordship so I took the Hufflepuff one since nobody else had that Heirship. So Dahlia and I are friends of the Goblins and even if they wouldn't have let us in before, they would now if we're there," I had turned back to Armando who nodded. We planned out when it would happen but decided to wait until sometime when summer had started as Abraxas would be hitting his Inheritance soon.

*Time Skip*

        We were in the ROR, it was a big room, Myrtle, Minerva, and Pomona were there too. They all stayed a distance away as Abraxas was about to hit his Inheritance and would get defensive if somebody was near me. When it hit midnight he suddenly screamed and clawed at his back. His features kept changing form a different color, to a different body part, he a Voldemort nose at some point, cat ears popped up at one point. Then his wings popped out and he relaxed and opened his eyes. His icy blue eyes had met mine before, "Mine!" he hissed and grabbed me pulling me to his chest. We all went to sleep after making sure his change went alright and proceeded to help him control his shape changing which he got rather quickly.

            The final meal before break Armando stood up, "Before you are all excused to leave for the train, I highly encourage any of you to get an inheritance test done at Gringotts, if you live in the muggle world please send an owl to anybody who can apparate and they will escort you there. He is going to have a trial soon and we need as much evidence as possible. Now, have a great summer, I will see most of you next year."

New Life; Second ChancesOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara