Chapter 43

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Jasper POV

After the Black's and Potter's left, I had talked more with Peter and Charlotte who had said they would meet up with me when they could. Peter would use his knower to let me know when I could meet up with them and Dahlia had also given us a mind link with our bond so he could let me know that way.

Alice, the annoying pixie, sat in front of me radiating excitement, "You kept me waiting long enough," she said. I felt the happiness and joy wash over me, using it to fake my response, "My apologies ma'am," she started telling me about the Cullen's and there lifestyle before we left and I had to start that LOVELY diet and Alice never met Peter and Charlotte although she seemed a bit confused. I'm guessing she had a vision that those two would have been there. We traveled for a bit and that when I started feeling the fake feelings stimulate from her, "Jazzy let's go hunting we are too close to humans, we don't want you losing it," it took all my might to not roll my eyes at the pixie. Using my gift against me, using my diet against me, I'm lucky I definitely did not have the Major again, or else I probably would've had her head off her body at this moment. The moment I had gained those memories was when my control immediately got better, but I really wanted human blood. But noooooooooo, Pixie won't let me.

            "We are close to the Cullen's we will find them soon," she had said. Oh goody.

I had been wandering in another area away from Alice. She had "seen" that I wouldn't attack anyone, but really I was meeting with Peter and Charlotte who had human blood for me.

"Sup, Jazz," Peter said. I cannot stand it when Alice calls me that, only people I am close too can call me that, Alice just makes it annoying. "Peter, Charlotte," I greeted, "Gimme," I had my hands outstretched to the blood Charlotte was holding. She giggled and handed me the blood that I had practically inhaled. "So just letting you know, yes you will see the Cullen's rather soon, but, you will be able to trust Rosalie and Emmett, they do not agree with what is happening," I nodded, relieved, I liked those two more than anyone else.

Dahlia POV

Orion and I were on our way home from hunting when we were met with Peter and Charlotte. "How's being not sparkly?" Orion had asked. They had both snorted, "Lovely, missed the sun, don't miss sparkles, hurts my ego," Peter answered. "Anywho, we wanted to mention that Jasper will end up with Cullens soon, and my knower had gone off and told me Rosalie and Emmett would be trustful to Jasper, they do not like being Cold Ones, they don't care for the family but would rather not be nomads," he informed.

"Well I could make them not Cold Ones like you two," I mentioned and then saw Luna appear, Charlotte jumped but Peter had grabbed her arm as to silently say she wasn't a threat. "You must be Luna, the only seer I'm gonna like," Peter mentioned. Luna smiled sarcastically before grabbing Peter's collar surprising Charlotte again. "Do not compare me to that damn pixie wannabe," she said in a deadly voice. Peter gulped before nodding and was able to pull away. "So I had a vision about Rosalie and Emmett," she said back in her cheerful voice.


"Yes, if I take part in the ritual to change them to traditional, I can make them part vampires and they will be able to have children, Rosalie's always wanted children," Luna explained. Peter nodded along to confirm what Luna had said. "Okay, we can do that. So something like Niklaus?"

 Luna nodded, "Yes, make them a hybrid but I don't what they would be. It would be like an Inheritance like we got. I know another way to do it for Peter and Charlotte if they ever want one," the vampire couple had smiled and nodded to say they would want children eventually.

We all walked into the manor to find the Henrik, Nico, Bianca, all sitting together with some food and even joined by Persephone and Melinoe. "Hello," Orion said.

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